对于GitHub Actions 环境中的作业:repo:< Organization/Repository >:environment:< Name > 对于未绑定到环境的作业,请根据用于触发工作流的 ref 路径包括分支/标记的 ref 路径:repo:< Organization/Repository >:ref:< ref path>。 例如 repo:n-username/ node_express:ref:refs/heads/my-branch 或repo:n-usern...
官网:Features • GitHub Actions Continuous integration has not been set up GitHub Actions and several other apps can be used to automatically catch bugs and enforce style. example 官网:docs.github.com/en/acti create the.github/workflows/directory to store your workflow files. a new file called...
jobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:# This step checks out a copy of your repository.-uses:actions/checkout@v3# This step references the directory that contains the action.-uses:./.github/actions/hello-world-action action.yml文件用于为操作提供元数据。在“Metadata syntax for GitHub Actions.“...
Create a.github/workflowsdirectory in your repository on GitHub if this directory does not already exist. The directory must have this exact name in order for GitHub to discover any GitHub Actions workflows that it contains. 如果此目录尚不存在,请在 GitHub 上的存储库中创建一个.github/workflows目录。
除了workflow_dispatch 之外,您還可以使用 GitHub API 來觸發稱為 repository_dispatch 的Webhook 事件。 此事件可讓您針對在 GitHub 外部發生的活動觸發工作流程,基本上是向您的存放庫的發出 HTTP 要求,要求 GitHub 透過動作或 Webhook 觸發工作流程。 使用此手動事件需要執行兩件事:將 POST 要求傳送至 GitHub...
# 1. 声明 checkout 仓库代码到工作区-name:CheckoutGitRepouses:actions/checkout@v2# 2. 安装Java 环境 这里会用到的参数就是 Git Action secrets中配置的,# 取值要在key前面加 secrets.-name:SetupMavenCentralRepouses:actions/setup-java@v1with:java-version:1.8server-id:sonatype-nexus-stagingserver-...
You can disable GitHub Actions for a repository, or set a policy that configures which actions and reusable workflows can be used in the repository. Note You might not be able to manage these settings if your organization has an overridin...
Activating GitHub Actions extension... Error getting GitHub context Not Found HttpError: Not Found at c:\Users\<user>\.vscode\extensions\github.vscode-github-actions-0.26.1\dist\extension-node.js:2:1366275 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async c...
repository_url:https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ -name:Publishdistribution📦toPyPI if:startsWith(github.ref,'refs/tags') uses:pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@master with: password:${{secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN}} 但无论怎么构建,它直接显示找不到setup.py,但我的setup.py就在文件夹里面。
The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions. TypeScript5.1k1.5k setup-nodesetup-nodePublic Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of node.js TypeScript4.1k1.3k javascript-actionjavascript-actionPublic template Create a JavaScript Action with tests, linting, workflow, publishin...