以下是GitHub Actions的一些基本概念和用法: 1. 工作流程(Workflow):工作流程是一系列包含要执行的任务的操作。你可以创建多个工作流程,每个工作流程可以针对不同的事件进行配置。 2. 触发器(Trigger):触发器是指定工作流程何时运行的事件。常见的触发器包括push(代码提交)、pull_request(Pull Request相关事件)、schedul...
on:# Trigger the workflow on push or pull request,# but only for the main branchpush:branches:-mainpull_request:branches:-main# Also trigger on page_build, as well as release created eventspage_build:release:types:# This configuration does not affect the page_build event ab...
on:# Trigger the workflow on push or pull request,# but only for the main branchpush:branches:-mainpull_request:branches:-main# Also trigger on page_build, as well as release created eventspage_build:release:types:# This configuration does not affect the page_build event ...
Github Actions 接下来让我们看看应用要如何接入 Github Actions 以create-ssr-app 为例 创建配置文件 $ mkdir -p .github/workflows $ touch .github/workflows/CI.yaml 监听Git 命令 在push 代码 以及 合并 PR 的时候触发 CI 工作 name: CI # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on...
Permissiontoxxxx/xxxx.github.io.gitdeniedtogithub-actions[bot]. The requested URL returned error:403 终于成功了: deploy的代码这样写: 最终的CI脚本: # This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actionsname:CI# Controls when the workflow will runon:# Triggers the workflow on push...
进入Actions: 进入到如下界面,默认带了简单的语法和提示: 根据自我认知来介绍以下我知道的命令/语法: # This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions name: CI #CI/CD项目名称 固定值 # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request # events but...
For more information, see "GitHub Actions 的工作流语法." on: [push] Specifies the trigger for this workflow. This example uses the push event, so a workflow run is triggered every time someone pushes a change to the repository or merges a pull request. This is triggered by a...
For more information about the pull_request_target event, see Events that trigger workflows. Warning These workflow approval policies are intended to restrict the set of users that can execute workflows in GitHub Actions runners that could lead to unexpected...