='Windows'run:echo"The operating system on the runner is not Windows, it's $RUNNER_OS." 在此示例中,两个if语句会检查runner上下文的os属性以确定运行器的操作系统。if条件由 GitHub Actions 处理,并且只有检查解析为true的步骤才会发送到运行器。 这里其中一个检查将始终为true,而另一个检查为false,因此...
OpenWISP is not only an application designed for end users, but can also be used as a framework on which custom network automation solutions can be built on top of its building blocks. Other popular building blocks that are part of the OpenWISP ecosystem are: ...
例如,可以在发生 push 事件时运行工作流。on: push Note 当push Webhook 事件触发工作流运行时,Actions UI 的“推送者”字段会显示推送者的帐户,而不是作者或提交者的帐户。 但是,如果使用带有部署密钥的 SSH 身份验证将更改推送到存储库,则“推送者”字段将是在将部署密钥添加到存储库时验证部署密钥的存储库...
官网文档: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/about-workflows 设置前台:https://docs.github.com/zh/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-nodejs 设置后台: https://docs.github.com/zh/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-java-with-maven 设置数据...
Note: This context property is set by the Actions runner, and is only available within the execution steps of a job. Otherwise, the value of this property will be null. github.triggering_actor string The username of the user that initiated the workflow run. If the workflow run is a re-...
github-actions on Oct 1, 2023· edited by github-actions Edits Author { "average_time_to_first_response": "5 days, 13:04:33.507143", "average_time_to_close": "4 days, 0:40:05.237342", "average_time_to_answer": "None", "average_time_in_labels": {}, "num_items_opened": 0,...
Note This event will only trigger a workflow run if the workflow file exists on the default branch.Note To prevent recursive workflows, this event does not trigger workflows if the check suite was created by GitHub Actions.Runs your workflow when check suite activity occurs. A check suite is ...
actions 是可以联合收割机以创建作业和自定义工作流的单个任务。您可以创建自己的操作,或使用和自定义GitHub社区共享的操作。 可以通过编写自定义代码来创建操作,这些代码可以以您喜欢的任何方式与您的存储库进行交互,包括与GitHub的API和任何公开可用的第三方API集成。
GitHub Actions workflows can be triggered by a variety of events. Every workflow trigger is provided with a GitHub context that contains information about the triggering event, such as which user triggered it, the branch name, and other event context details. Some of this event data, like the...