- name: deploy file to prod server if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' #对分支进行检测 uses: wlixcc/SFTP-Deploy-Action@v1.0 with: username: 'username' server: '${{ secrets.SERVER_IP }}' #正式服务器地址 ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} local_path: './build/*...
# action.yml 配置文件name:'SSH Auto Deploy'# 名称description:'ssh auto deploy'# 描述author:'hengkx'# 作者branding:icon:'crosshair'# 使用的是Feather的图标color:'gray-dark'# 图标颜色inputs:# 输入参数HOST:# 服务器地址description:'remote host'# 参数描述required:true# 是否必填USERNAME:# 用户名d...
使用适用于 CLI 的 GitHub Actions。 例如: YAML - name:Deploystartupscriptuses:azure/cli@v2with:inlineScript:| az webapp deploy --src-path ${{ github.workspace }}/src/main/azure/createPasswordlessDataSource.sh --name ${{ env.AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME }}--resource-group ${{ env.RESOURCE_GROUP }...
官方actions库:https://github.com/actions-name:Use Node.js ${{matrix.node-version}}# 步骤2uses:actions/setup-node@v1# 作用:安装nodejswith:node-version:${{matrix.node-version}}# 版本-name:Deploy# 步骤3 部署到github gh-pagesenv:# 设置环境变量GITHUB_TOKEN:${{secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN}}# token...
When a GitHub Actions workflow deploys to an environment, the environment is displayed on the main page of the repository. For more information about viewing deployments to environments, see "Viewing deployment history." Monitoring workflow runs Every workflow run generates a real-time gra...
An AWS user with access keys, which the GitHub Actions runner uses to deploy the application. The user also write requires access to the S3 bucket. Creating the AWS SAM application You can create a serverless application by defining all required resources in an AWS SAM template. AWS SAM prov...
What is a GitHub Actions workflow? AGitHub Actions workflowis a process that you set up in your repository to automate software-development lifecycle tasks, including GitHub Actions. With a workflow, you can build, test, package, release, and deploy any project on GitHub. ...
Skip to main content GitHub 文档 Version: Enterprise Server 3.9 搜索GitHub Docs 主页 GitHub Actions 快速入门 了解GitHub Actions 示例 使用工作流 关于工作流程 触发工作流 手动运行工作流程 禁用和启用工作流程 触发工作流的事件 工作流程语法 工作流命令 避免重复 重用工作流 必需工作流 缓存依赖项...
actions/setup-node安装nodeuses:actions/setup-node@v1with:node-version:15.4.0# 安装依赖-name:npminstallrun:npminstall# 打包-name:npmbuildrun:npmrunbuild# 部署到阿里云-name:DeploytoServer# 第二步,rsync推文件uses:AEnterprise/rsync-deploy@v1.0# 使用别人包装好的步骤镜像env:DEPLOY_KEY:${{secrets....
https://github.com/marketplace/actions/deploy-to-github-pages https://cli.vuejs.org/zh/guide/deployment.html#github-pages 目录 第一步:配置workflows 第二步:开启GitHub Pages 使用GitHub Pages部署一个在线Demo,每次更新代码都要手动打包,切换...