Starting the git Action fatal: unsafe repository ('/github/workspace'isownedbysomeoneelse)Toaddan exceptionforthis directory, call: git config--global --add /github/workspace 按照提示修改配置,也在网上查找了很多办法,都不太行,最后决定将 srt32/git-actions@v0.0.3 移除了 --uses: srt...
访问voidking/hexo-deploy Actions页面,即可看到CI workflows(相当于gitlab中的pipelines)。 3.Hexo配置GitHub Actions 参考文档: GitHub Actions Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions Hexo Action 利用Github Actions 自动部署 Hexo 博客 GitHub Actions 教程:定时发送天气邮件 3.1.CICD思路 拉取负责部署的hexo-deploy rep...
迦非喵:github actions 从入门到精通(十八)在windows服务器上下载和安装mpi并行环境(MSMPI)1 赞同 · 0 评论文章 继续测试简单的并行环境是否可以运行。 代码如下: install_msmpi.ps1代码如下: function test() { Write-Host "Hello, World!" Write-Host "Hello, Github actions!" Write-Host "Hello, OneFLOW...
echo"{path}">>$GITHUB_PATH Prepends a directory to the systemPATHvariable and automatically makes it available to all subsequent actions in the current job; the currently running action cannot access the updated path variable. 要查看作业的当前定义路径,您可以在步骤或操作中使用echo "$PATH"。 示例...
ioA reference to the@actions/iopackage execA reference to the@actions/execpackage requireA proxy wrapper around the normal Node.jsrequireto enable requiring relative paths (relative to the current working directory) and requiring npm packages installed in the current working directory. If for some re...
Using a combination of restore and save actions name:Caching Primeson:pushjobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -uses:actions/checkout@v4-name:Restore cached Primesid:cache-primes-restoreuses:actions/cache/restore@v4with:path:|path/to/dependenciessome/other/dependencieskey:${{ runner.os }}-prim...
These are often GitHub Apps, GitHub Actions, or custom actions. For more information, see About building integrations. issue Issues are suggested improvements, tasks or questions related to the repository. Issues can be created by anyone (for public repositories), and are moderated by repository ...
deploysucceeded17minutes agoin4sSearch logs1sCurrent runner version:'2.287.1'OperatingSystemVirtualEnvironmentVirtualEnvironmentProvisionerGITHUB_TOKENPermissionsSecretsource:ActionsPrepareworkflow directoryPrepare all required actionsGetting action download infoDownload action repository'actions/deploy-pages@v1'(SHA:479...
SelectRegister. On theGraph Azure Function Test Apppage, copy the values of theApplication (client) IDandDirectory (tenant) IDand save them, you will need them in the later steps. Register an app for the Azure Function Return toApp Registrations, and selectNew registration. On theRegister an...
Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit mgehre-amd Supportprims.sum(#4052) Feb 28, 2025 445c845·Feb 28, 2025 History 3,345 Commits .github Bump actions/setup-python from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0 in the github-actions g… ...