在Android打包过程最后的发布,要用到contents的write权限,可能是要把apk放到仓库去吧,是“ncipollo/release-action”这个action要求的,仓库说明(https://github.com/marketplace/actions/create-release) 操作步骤steps 这里和job类似,只不过steps运行在同一个虚拟机,...
This example will create a release when a tag is pushed: name:Releaseson:push:tags: -'*'jobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-latestpermissions:contents:writesteps: -uses:actions/checkout@v3-uses:ncipollo/release-action@v1with:artifacts:"release.tar.gz,foo/*.txt"bodyFile:"body.md" ...
name:Mainon:pushjobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -name:Checkoutuses:actions/checkout@v4-name:Buildrun:echo ${{ github.sha }} > Release.txt-name:Testrun:cat Release.txt-name:Releaseuses:softprops/action-gh-release@v2if:startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')with:files:Release.txt ...
-name:Create Release uses:softprops/action-gh-release@masterenv:GITHUB_TOKEN:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}with:tag_name:v${{env.version}}name:ChatGPT v${{env.version}}body:See the assets to downloadthisversion and install.prerelease:falsegenerate_release_notes:falsefiles:./artifacts/**/*...
After upgrading to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.3, GitHub Actions may fail to start automatically. To resolve this issue, connect to the appliance via SSH and run the ghe-actions-start command. On a freshly set up GitHub Enterprise Server instance without any users, an attacker could create the ...
You can also publish an action from a specific release in GitHub Marketplace. For more information, seePublishing actions in GitHub Marketplace. You can choose whether Git Large File Storage (Git LFS) objects are included in the ZIP files and tarballs that GitHub creates for each release. For...
Add the following to a GitHub Actions YAML file: name: Docker on: push: tags: ["*"] branches: - "main" pull_request: branches: ["**"] env: # Hostname of your registry REGISTRY: docker.io # Image repository, without hostname and tag IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.repository }} SHA: $...
在Azure DevOps 的 Sprint 161 更新中,我们很高兴地宣布适用于 Azure Pipelines 的 GitHub Actions。 使用 GitHub Actions,可以直接从 GitHub Actions 工作流触发 Azure Pipelines 运行。 我们还添加了对 Azure Pipelines 中多个存储库的支持,因此除了用于存储 YAML 管道之外,还可以提取和签出其他存储库。
在Azure DevOps 的Sprint 161 更新中,我們很高興宣佈 Azure PipelinesGitHub Actions。 使用 GitHub Actions,您可以直接從GitHub Actions工作流程觸發 Azure Pipelines 執行。 我們也新增了 Azure Pipelines 中多個存放庫的支援,因此除了用來儲存 YAML 管線的存放庫之外,您還可以擷取和簽出其他存放庫。
{ "title": " 自动发布失败", "text": " 请点击链接查看具体原因, 及时修复, 尝试点击右上角 [Re-run all jobs] 重试, 或手动发布 ", "messageUrl": "https://github.com/antvis/S2/actions/workflows/auto-release.yml", "picUrl": "https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/antfincdn/JxgObjrPo/dde3c...