属于Actions Runner Controller (ARC) 的运行器不支持 Swift 代码的 Code scanning,因为 ARC 运行器仅使用 Linux,且 Swift 需要 macOS 运行器。 但是,你可以混合使用 ARC 运行器和自托管 macOS 运行器。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于 Actions Runner Controller”。 如...
Code scanning 使用 GitHub Actions,且 code scanning 工作流的每次运行将耗用 GitHub Actions 的分钟数。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于GitHub Actions 的计费”。 若要在专用存储库中使用 code scanning,还需要 GitHub Advanced Security 许可证。 有关如何使用 GitHub Advanced Security 免费试用 GitHub Enterprise 的信...
利用Github Actions生成CodeQL数据库 -- 以AliyunCTF2024 Chain17的反序列化链挖掘为例 背景lgtm社区在2022年关闭后,CodeQL只能在本地手动构建,lgtm则被整合进了Github Code Scanning中。可以在Github Action中使用github/codeql-action来用官方提供的queries对repository的代码进行扫描,结果会显示为Code Scanning Alerts。
Setting up CodeQL with GitHub Actions Code scanning with CodeQL is free for public repositories, and is part of GitHub Advanced Security for GitHub Enterprise. Here are instructions for the quick,4-click setup process. Alternatively, I’ve included a gif of the steps below: Image codeqlsetup, ...
如果 AI 发现你的代码中可能存在漏洞或错误,GitHub 就会在仓库中进行告警,并在用户修复触发警报的代码之后取消告警。要监控你的仓库或组织的“代码扫描”结果,你可以使用 web 挂钩和 code scanning API。此外,“代码扫描”也可与输出静态分析结果交换格式 (SARIF) 数据的第三方代码扫描工具互操作。目前,对“代码...
*需要先基于OpenSCA云漏洞库服务token创建秘钥,详细信息请见https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/using-secrets-in-github-actions#about-secrets 扫描结束后,可在仓库的Security/Code scanning里找到结果 也可直接跳转至OpenSCA SaaS查看更多详细信息;跳转链接可在Action日志中找到 更多场景 同步检测结果...
https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/code-scanning/automatically-scanning-your-code-for-vulnerabilities-and-errors/about-code-scanning ESLint demo # This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by# separate terms of servic...
*需要先基于OpenSCA云漏洞库服务token创建秘钥,详细信息请见https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/using-secrets-in-github-actions#about-secrets 扫描结束后,可在仓库的Security/Code scanning里找到结果 也可直接跳转至OpenSCA SaaS查看更多详细信息;跳转链接可在Action日志中找到 ...
Actions for running CodeQL analysis ciactionscode-scanningsemmle-qlcodeqladvanced-security UpdatedJan 9, 2025 TypeScript dec0dOS/amazing-github-template Star560 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions 🚀 Useful README.md, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md, GitHub Issues, Pull...
Ability to run as part of CI/CD (GitHub actions) Static code analysis Ability to run as part of CI/CD (GitHub actions) Documentation that describes how to use the scanning and what to expect It's worth emphasizing the importance of having a mechanism for ignoring warnings and errors, which...