jobs.<job_id>该步骤运行的命令或者 action。 jobs.<job_id>.steps.env:该步骤所需的环境变量。 几个完整的 workflow 文件的范例 一 #工作名字 name: qin # on: workflow_dispatch: push: # 当对分支master进行push操作的时候,这个工作流就被触发了 branches: [ master ] pull_request: #只...
appleboy/ssh-action: 通过SSH, 在远程主机上执行命令。仅支持 Linux Docker。 actions/upload-release-asset actions/upload-release-asset: 上传 Release 下的文件 同一workflow 中,一个 job 使用另一个 job 的内容 Storing workflow data as artifacts 上传:actions/upload-artifact@v2 下载:actions/download-artifa...
name字段是 workflow 的名称。如果省略该字段,默认为当前 workflow 的文件名。name: GitHub Actions Testonon字段指定触发 workflow 的条件,通常是某些事件。on: push上面代码指定,push事件触发 workflow。 on字段也可以是事件的数组。on: [push, pull_request]上面代码指定,push事件或pull_request事件都可以触发 ...
will runv4of theactions/checkoutaction. This is an action that checks out your repository onto the runner, allowing you to run scripts or other actions against your code (such as build and test tools). You should use the checkout action any time your workflow will use the repository's ...
Azure/actions-workflow-samplesPublic template Notifications Fork627 Star454 Help developers to easily get started with GitHub Action workflows to deploy to Azure License MIT license 454stars627forksBranchesTagsActivity Star ...
A workflow must contain the following basic components: One or moreeventsthat will trigger the workflow. One or morejobs, each of which will execute on arunnermachine and run a series of one or moresteps. Each step can either run a script that you define or run an action, which is a ...
The anatomy of a GitHub action Here's an example of an action that performs a git checkout of a repository. This action,actions/checkout@v1, is part of a step in a workflow. This step also builds the Node.js code that was checked out. We'll talk about workflows, jobs, and ste...
通过Github api,发送repository dispatch event. Repository_dispatch event是一个webhook event, 可以用来触发github action workflow。 Sample Code ChildRepo/.github/workflows/triggerevents.yml name: Dispatch Event on: [push] jobs: ...
Learn common configurations within a workflow file. See workflow examples and best practice recommendations for action stability and security.
Examples Identify Subject and SBOM by Path For the basic use case, simply add the attest-sbom action to your workflow and supply the path to the artifact and SBOM for which you want to generate attestation. name: build-attest on: workflow_dispatch: jobs: build: permissions: id-token: write...