Use thebranchesfilter when you want to include branch name patterns or when you want to both include and exclude branch names patterns. Use thebranches-ignorefilter when you only want to exclude branch name patterns. You cannot use both thebranchesandbranches-ignorefilters for the same event...
To avoid errors, don't initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files. You can add these files after your project is pushed to GitHub. Open Git Bash. Change the current working directory to your local project. Initialize the local directory as a Git repository. Bash...
check_run - created- rerequested- completed- requested_action 默认分支上的最新提交 默认分支Note 多个活动类型会触发此事件。 有关每个活动类型的信息,请参阅“Webhook 事件和有效负载”。 默认情况下,所有活动类型都会触发在此事件上运行的工作流。 你可以使用 types 关键词将工作流运行限制为特定活动类型。 有...
2. GitHub Action Workflow The workflowgithub_copilot_license_management.ymlis triggered when an issue is labeled withcopilot-requestorcopilot-remove. The workflow uses theGitHub APIthroughoctokitto assign the GitHub Copilot license to the user who opened the issue. A token is generated usingPeter...
Action Replay ( Druid II ( TG-16/PCE: ...
spring security 集成 JustAuth 实现第三方授权登录: 此项目从 UMS(用户管理脚手架: | 项目中分离. 1. 支持所有 justAuth 支持的第三方登录,登录后自动注册 或 绑定. 2. 支持定时刷新
当 ignoreCheckState 为 true 时, me.zhyd.oauth.request.AuthDefaultRequest.login(AuthCallback) 将不会校验 state 的合法性。使用场景:当且仅当使用自实现 state 校验逻辑时开启以下场景使用方案仅作参考: 1. 授权、登录为同端,并且全部使用 JustAuth 实现时,该值建议设为 false; 2. 授权和登录为不同端...
env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.JINKE_GITHUB_TOKEN }} # 部署官网 - name: Delpoy Site run: yarn site:deploy # 失败通知 - name: Delpoy failed notify if: ${{ failure() }} uses: zcong1993/actions-ding@master with: dingToken: ${{ secrets.DING_TALK_ACCESS_TOKEN }} ignoreError: true ...
You can't usebranchesandbranches-ignoreto filter the same event in a single workflow. Similarly, you can't usetagsandtags-ignoreto filter the same event in a single workflow. If you want to both include and exclude branch or tag patterns for a single event, use thebranchesortagsfilter alo...
Create stale.ymlchroe: add stale action 1年前 apps fix: bym qq 9小时前 client fix: gemini function call 2天前 config fix: remove useless thing 10个月前 model feat: support search for gemini2: #chatgpt开启gemini搜索 #chatgpt开启代码执行 暂时不可并存 ...