.) 先看效果图: 示例地址: Actions · zkeq/icodeq-api (github.com) image.png 上面的地址...
只有当if条件通过了,github action才会将 名为checkout-version1-name的job 发送到运行器ubuntu-latest上,将作业发送到运行器后,执行job下的步骤。在这个步骤里,我们使用了内置的github上下文,还有很多内置的上下文,具体的可以去上下文 - GitHub文档看看。 环境变量 在env关键字下设置变量,语法如下: name: learn-gith...
使用srggrs/assign-one-project-github-action, 我们可以将新增的 Issues 或者 PR 添加到指定的 Projects 中。 - name: Assign NEW issues and NEW pull requests to project 2 uses: srggrs/assign-one-project-github-action@1.2.0 if: github.event.action == 'opened' with: project: 'https://github....
使用srggrs/assign-one-project-github-action, 我们可以将新增的 Issues 或者 PR 添加到指定的 Projects 中。 -name:AssignNEWissuesandNEWpull requests to project2uses:srggrs/assign-one-project-github-action@1.2.0if:github.event.action=='opened'with:project:'https://github.com/srggrs/assign-one-pro...
4.action(动作):每个step可以依次执行一个或多个命令(action)。 workflow文件 GitHub Actions 的配置文件叫做workflow文件,存放在代码仓库的.github/workflows目录, 如下图所示: workflow文件采用YAML格式,文件名可以任意取,但是后缀名统一为.yml,比如上图的package.yml。
Action for generating attestations for workflow artifacts actions/attest’s past year of commit activity TypeScript40MIT551UpdatedDec 30, 2024 actions-runner-controllerPublic Kubernetes controller for GitHub Actions self-hosted runners Go4,841Apache-2.01,141304(6 issues need help)98UpdatedDec 30, 2024...
Generate APKif:startsWith(github.ref,'refs/tags/')runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:-name:Checkoutuses:actions/checkout@v2-name:Setup JDKuses:actions/setup-java@v2with:distribution:'zulu'java-version:8-uses:subosito/flutter-action@v1with:flutter-version:'2.5.3'-uses:finnp/create-file-action@...
An action is a custom application for the GitHub Actions platform that performs a complex but frequently repeated task. Use an action to help reduce the amount of repetitive code that you write in your workflow files. An action can pull your Git repository from GitHub, set up the correct too...
This step uses the actions/setup-node@v4 action to install the specified version of the Node.js. (This example uses version 20.) This puts both the node and npm commands in your PATH. - run: npm install -g bats The run keyword tells the job to execute a command on the...
Check if the action is verified in the GitHub Marketplace. This means that GitHub has approved the use of this action. However, you should still review it before using it. Include the version of the action you're using by specifying a Git ref, SHA, or tag. ...