model.setGitBranchName(gitBranchName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error("获取git相关信息失败", ex); }"新增评审意见操作窗口已经弹出"); //显示对话框 29 changes: 18 additions & 11 deletions 29 src/com/veezean/idea/plugin/codereviewer/action/ ...
还是到我们 github 的代码仓库下, 找到 Settings, 在 Settings 下找到 Secrets , 通过 Secrets 右上角的 New repository secret 就可以新添加我们的 secret 了,这里要注意 Build iOS Action插件使用的 secret 名称一定要与这里添加的一样,还要注意,Build iOS Action插件要求的 cer,p12,描述文件都是要经过 base64 ...
Online project hosting using Git. Includes source-code browser, in-line editing, wikis, and ticketing. Free for public open-source code. Commercial closed source ...
encrypted_value string Value for your secret, encrypted with LibSodium using the public key retrieved from the Get an Repository public key action. key_id key_id string ID of the key you used to encrypt the secret.Deletes a GitHub Webhook (Preview)Operation ID: DeleteWebhookTrigger Delete...
Get the gitHubAccessTokenBaseUrl property: The GitHub access token base URL. Returns: the gitHubAccessTokenBaseUrl value.getGitHubClientId public String getGitHubClientId() Get the gitHubClientId property: The GitHub Client Id. Returns: the gitHubClientId value.set...
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actionsname:Tesla_Crawler# Controls when the action will run.on:# Triggers the workflow on push events but only for the main branchpush:branches:[main]schedule:-cron:'00 08 * * *'#*_*_*# Runs...
encrypted_value string Value for your secret, encrypted with LibSodium using the public key retrieved from the Get an Repository public key action. key_id key_id string ID of the key you used to encrypt the secret.Deletes a GitHub Webhook (Preview)Operation ID: DeleteWebhookTrigger Delete...
encrypted_value string Value for your secret, encrypted with LibSodium using the public key retrieved from the Get an Repository public key action. key_id key_id string ID of the key you used to encrypt the secret.Deletes a GitHub Webhook (Preview)Operation ID: DeleteWebhookTrigger Delete...