若要將程式代碼部署至 App Service 應用程式,請使用 azure/webapps-deploy@v3 動作。 此動作需要 app-name 中的Web 應用程式名稱,而且根據語言堆疊,在 package 中輸入要部署的 *.zip、*.war、*.jar 或資料夾路徑。 如需動作可能輸入 azure/webapps-deploy@v3 的完整清單,請參閱 action.yml。
Use the GitHub Actions continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform to deploy a Python web app to Azure App Service on Linux. Your GitHub Actions workflow automatically builds the code and deploys it to the App Service whenever there's a commit to the repository. You ca...
Deploy to Azure container app uses: azure/CLI@v1 with: inlineScript: >- az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt az containerapp registry set --name ${{ env.CONTAINER_APP_NAME }} --resource-group ${{ env.CONTAINER_APP_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME }} --server ${{ env.CO...
to registry uses: docker/build-push-action@9e0f1a2b3c4d5e6f7a8b9c0d1e2f3a4b5c6d7e8f with: push: true tags: ghcr.io/${{ env.REPO }}:${{ github.sha }} file: ./Dockerfile deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build environment: name: 'production' url: ${{ steps.deploy-to-...
# To get a newer version, you will need to update the SHA. # You can also reference a tag or branch, but the action may change without warning. name: Build and deploy Python app to Azure Web App env: AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME: MY_WEBAPP_NAME # set this to your applicati...
mv app/* .-name:'Deploy to Azure Web App'uses:azure/webapps-deploy@v3id:deploy-to-webappwith:app-name:'python-app-mario'slot-name:'production'publish-profile:${{secrets.AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE}} requirements.txt bcrypt==4.2.0blinker==1.8.2click==8.1.7Flask==3.0.3itsdangerou...
使用GitHub Actions 将 Java 应用部署到Azure App 服务,第 3 部分 - 持续部署(CD) 替换为 April Edwards, Brian Benz DevOps 实验室 2022年3月28日 在此适用于 Java 商店的 DevOps 系列中,Brian Benz 停止操作,重点介绍 Java 开发人员与其 IT 组织和合作伙伴合作以将其...
# Docs for the Azure Web Apps Deploy action: https://github.com/Azure/webapps-deploy# More GitHub Actions for Azure: https://github.com/Azure/actionsname:BuildanddeployASP.NetCoreapptoAzureWebApp-az-app-service-01on:push:branches:-masterjobs:build-and-deploy:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:-uses...
Action的workflow文件中,有两段内容需要配置,一是设置 用户标识,二是设置镜像路径。 第一段,修改Function App的设置 - name: Azure App Service Settings uses: Azure/appservice-settings@v1 with: # Name of the Azure Web App app-name:fun-namegeneral-settings-json: '{"acrUseManagedIdentityCreds": "tr...
Sample workflow to build and deploy a Node.js app to Containerized WebApp using publish profile on:[push]name:Linux_Container_Node_Workflowjobs:build-and-deploy:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:#checkout the repo-name:'Checkout Github Action'uses:actions/checkout@master-uses:azure/docker-login@v1wit...