当使用命令行提交时,我们可以使用git commit --signoff这样的命令来添加 Sign Off 信息,这样你的用户名和提交邮箱将会自动添加至本次提交的信息中。 而使用 Web 端进行代码修改时,想要添加 signed-off-by 信息却还要逐字输入用户名和邮箱,十分低效。 于是,Gitee 上线了 Web 端提交支持 Git Commit Sign Off 的功...
Signed-off-by: John Doe <john.doe@sysdig.com> You have to use your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions). The DCO text can either be manually added to your commit body, or you can add either-sor--signoffto your usualgit commitcommands. If you are using the GitH...
2. Commits 中未包含 Signed-off-by信息,参考FAQ处理。修复上述问题后,在PR的评论框输入“check dco” ,单击”评论”,系统将再次进行DCO校验。当前检测到如下Commits的Signed-off-by邮箱未签署DCO协议: 953c878 Thanks for submitting a pull request. This pull request has not passed the DCO check.Possible ...
add screenid interface for xcomponent Signed-off-by: husihuan husihuan@huawei.com Docs仓MD文档PR信息 注意: 请务必按如下模板反馈PR所携带的修改信息。 请分析是否需要同步合入活跃的发布分支。当前活跃的发布分支除master外还包括: OpenHarmony-5.0.0-Release (API Level 12) OpenHarmony-5.0.1-Release (...
"integrity" "sha512-z3nFzdcp1mb8nEOFFk8DrYLpHvhKC3grJD2ardfKOzmbmJvEf/tPIqCY+sNcwZIY8ZD7IkB2l7/pqhUhqm7hLA==" "resolved" "https://registry.npmjs.org/@webassemblyjs/helper-buffer/-/helper-buffer-1.11.6.tgz" "version" "1.11.6" "...
其中,-a表示all,-s表示在补丁文件头部增加Signed-off-by行,-m表示指定commit信息,-e表示使用git默认的编辑器来对commit信息进一步编辑,我这里默认的编辑器是nano。关于更详细的参数选项可以用命令git commit -h来察看。 执行上面那个命令以后,会进入到nano编辑器中,然后进行编辑。其中第一行显示的是补丁文件头部的...
2. Commits 中未包含 Signed-off-by信息,参考FAQ处理。 修复上述问题后,在PR的评论框输入“check dco” ,单击”评论”,系统将再次进行DCO校验。 当前检测到如下Commits 未包含Signed-off-by信息: 694377c 3bd69f7 Thanks for submitting a pull request. This pull request has not passed the DCO check. ...
2. Commits 中未包含 Signed-off-by信息,参考FAQ处理。修复上述问题后,在PR的评论框输入“check dco” ,单击”评论”,系统将再次进行DCO校验。当前检测到如下Commits 未包含Signed-off-by信息: 747f3bb Thanks for submitting a pull request. This pull request has not passed the DCO check.Possible causes:...
- spi: Switch to signed types for *_native_cs SPI controller fields - ALSA: pcm: fix divide error in snd_pcm_lib_ioctl - ALSA: hda/realtek: Workaround for conflicting SSID on ASUS ROG Strix G17 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Quirk for HP Spectre x360 14 amp setup ...
- spi: Switch to signed types for *_native_cs SPI controller fields - ALSA: pcm: fix divide error in snd_pcm_lib_ioctl - ALSA: hda/realtek: Workaround for conflicting SSID on ASUS ROG Strix G17 - ALSA: hda/realtek: Quirk for HP Spectre x360 14 amp setup ...