On windows7. There is a main (pre-receive hook declined) error on my PC. Both git cli and browser pushes were refused. Currently I go back to use v1.17.4. The Gitea version is 1.18.0, but v1.18.0 on linux x86_64 is ok. Logs when the (pre...
Description when git push. (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to "xxx"] but the gitea console error msg: 401 Unauthorized in 3.4ms @ repo/http.go:532(repo.GetInfoRefs). use gitea 1.17.3 no problem! Gitea Version ...
! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to '' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 解决办法:直接取消保护,公网可以应该可以配置allowed to push。 输错密码后,无法继续 window平台在git clone时,输错密码无法继续。 【...
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 remote: remote: Gitea: Internal Server Error remote: Unable to contact gitea: Post "http://localhost:3000/api/internal/hook/pre-receive/user/test": dial tcp: lookup localhost on no such host To
[remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to '' Things I've already tried: SettingLOCAL_ROOT_URLto Deleting and recreating hooks on the repo's folder ...
I think I added --debug to the hooks so you should be able to add that to the gitea hook command. This seems not to be available in 1.11.5 yet, right? Any combination of adding --delete to the gitea hook pre-receive invocation I tried didn't work:[F] Failed to run app with [...
[remote rejected] main ->main (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to'https://somegit.dev/<user>/<repo>.git' Gitea Version latest Can you reproduce the bug on the Gitea demo site? Yes Log Gist No response...
" ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'http://thr-srv01:3000/I2T5/I2T5-ManualControl.git'" DescriptionI tried to install gitea on a windows server. I have followed this tutorial . Unfortunatly, when I try to push, I...
[remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'http://git.local/davidhq/test.git' This was the last try: doing it via.localdomain, so that really nothing (Cloudflare etc.) is interfering with trying to push to the repo. ...