做法直截了当,克隆时用 –bare 选项即可。裸仓库的目录名一般以.git 结尾,像这样: 1 2 $ git clone --bare my_project my_project.git Initialized empty Git repositoryin/opt/projects/my_project.git/ 该命令的输出或许会让人有些不解。其实 clone 操作基本上相当于 git init 加 git fetch,所以这里出现...
创建裸仓库git --base init sh-3.2# pwd/Applications/XAMPP/htdocs sh-3.2# mkdir learngitsh-3.2# cd learngit/sh-3.2# #初始化目录为git可以管理的仓库sh-3.2# git initInitialized empty Git repositoryin/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/learngit/.git/ 查看当前目录下会多了一个.git目录 sh-3.2#...
$ cat/tmp/id_rsa.jessica.pub>>~/.ssh/authorized_keys 现在可以用--bare选项运行git init来建立一个裸仓库,这会初始化一个不包含工作目录的仓库。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 $ cd/opt/git $ mkdir project.git $ cd project.git $ git--bare init 这时,Join,Josie...
如果到该项目目录中运行 git init 命令,并加上 –shared 选项,那么 Git 会自动修改该仓库目录的组权限为可写(译注:实际上 –shared 可以指定其他行为,只是默认为将组权限改为可写并执行 g+sx,所以最后会得到 rws。)。 $ ssh user@ git.example.com $ cd /opt/git/my_project.git $ git init --bare ...
$ git clone --bare my_project my_project.git Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/projects/my_project.git/ 1. 2. 该命令的输出或许会让人有些不解。其实 clone 操作基本上相当于 git init 加 git fetch,所以这里出现的其实是git...
$ git init--bare --shared 由此可见,根据现有的 Git 仓库创建一个裸仓库,然后把它放上你和同事都有 SSH 访问权的服务器是多么容易。现在已经可以开始在同一项目上密切合作了。 值得注意的是,这的的确确是架设一个少数人具有连接权的 Git 服务的全部 — 只要在服务器上加入可以用 SSH 登录的帐号,然后把裸...
printf '%s\n' "$*" fi } if test -n "$OPTIONS_SPEC"; then usage() { "$0" -h exit 1 } parseopt_extra= [ -n "$OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH" ] && parseopt_extra="--keep-dashdash" [ -n "$OPTIONS_STUCKLONG" ] && ...
This setting is automatically guessed by git-clone[1] or git-init[1] when the repository was created. By default a repository that ends in "/.git" is assumed to be not bare (bare = false), while all other repositories are assumed to be bare (bare = true). core.worktree Set the ...
* "git clone" from a repository whose HEAD is unborn into a bare repository didn't follow the branch name the other side used, which is corrected. * "git cvsserver" had a long-standing bug in its authentication code, which has finally been corrected (it is unclear and is a separate ...
if test -n "$NO_TCLTK"; then TCLTK_PATH= else if test "$with_tcltk" = ""; then # No Tcl/Tk switches given. Do not check for Tcl/Tk, use bare 'wish'. TCLTK_PATH=wish elif test "$with_tcltk" = "yes"; then # Tcl/Tk check requested. AC_CHECK_PROGS(TCLTK_...