I can not see my work items, I can not create PR, I can not do a code review inside the Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise. Why do you think I am paying so bug money to you? Please to find a workaround because disabling this experimental feature is not enough to use TFS/Azure DevOps ...
mergeStrategy: GitPullRequestMergeStrategy 属性值 GitPullRequestMergeStrategy squashMerge SquashMerge 已弃用。 应显式设置 MergeStrategy 的值。 如果将 MergeStrategy 设置为任何值,则 SquashMerge 值将被忽略。 如果未设置 MergeStrategy,则如果此标志为 false,则合并策略将不快进;如果为 true,则为 squash。 Typ...
Any work item references associated with this pull request. C# 复制 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMember(EmitDefaultValue=false, Name="workItemRefs")] public Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.ResourceRef[] WorkItemRefs { get; set; } Property Value Microsoft.Vi...
completionOptions: GitPullRequestCompletionOptions 屬性值 GitPullRequestCompletionOptions completionQueueTime 提取要求輸入要完成佇列的最新日期。 內部使用。 TypeScript 複製 completionQueueTime: Date 屬性值 Date createdBy 建立提取要求之使用者的身分識別。 TypeScript 複製 createdBy: IdentityRef 屬性值 ...
TypeScript 複製 queryTimeRangeType: PullRequestTimeRangeType 屬性值 PullRequestTimeRangeType repositoryId 如果已設定,請搜尋目標分支在此存放庫中的提取要求。 TypeScript 複製 repositoryId: string 屬性值 string reviewerId 如果已設定,請搜尋具有此身分識別的提取要求作為檢閱者。 TypeScript 複製 reviewerId...
Hi. We will be using Visual Studio 2022 with GitLab. I believe i have seen on many web pages and YouTube videos that this combination can have a “Pull Request” option, but I don’t see the option/button, either on the Git Menu or Team Explorer with my ...
Avoid interrupting your work in progress when needing to review a pull request. Simply create a new worktree and open it in a new VS Code window, all without impacting your other work. Interactive Rebase Editor Easily visualize and configure interactive rebase operations with the intuitive and use...
GitLab Workflow version 3.21.0 for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) now supports the complete merge request review process, including threads. Select the GitLab icon in VS Code to open the sidebar to display Merge requests I’m reviewing. Select a merge request overview to view the complete deta...
在旧版本的Visual Studio中,"同步"是用于将本地代码库与远程代码库同步的功能。然而,在新版本的git体验中,这个功能已经被取消了。 相应地,你可以使用其他方式来实现代码同步的功能。以下是一些替代方案: 使用命令行工具:你可以使用git命令行工具来执行同步操作。通过使用git命令,你可以将本地代码库的更改推送...
Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more gitlens.amod.io Resources Re...