所谓BOM,全称是Byte Order Mark,它是一个Unicode字符,通常出现在文本的开头,用来标识字节序(Big/Little Endian),除此以外还可以标识编码(UTF-8/16/32),如果出现在文本中间,则解释为zero width no-break space。 注:Unicode相关知识的详细介绍请参考UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM。 对于UTF-8/16/32而言,...
比如,网页第一行可能会显示一个 “?” ,明明正确的程序一编译就报语法错误,等等,都是由 记事本的弱智行为带来的。建议你下载 Notepad++ 代替记事本,不但功能强大,而且免费!记得把 Notepad++ 的默 认编码设置为 UTF-8 without BOM 即可 (3)在 Mac OS X 上安装 Git 如果你正在使用 Mac 做开发,有两种安装 ...
*.c working-tree-encoding=UTF-16LE-BOM You will need to rungit add --renormalizeto have this take effect. Note that if you are making these changes on a project that is used across platforms, you’ll probably want to make it in a per-user configuration file or in the one in$GIT_...
t0028: fix test for UTF-16-LE-BOM t0028: add more tests t0061: fix test for argv[0] with spaces (MINGW only) Ali Utku Selen (1): shallow.c: don't free unallocated slabs Andrey Mazo (1): .mailmap: update email address of Andrey Mazo ...
给定一个或多个现有提交,还原相关修补程序引入的更改,并记录一些记录它们的新提交。这需要您的工作树是干净的(没有 HEAD 提交的修改)。 注意: git revert 用于记录一些新的提交以反转某些早期提交的效果(通常只有一个错误的提交)。如果你想丢弃工作目录中所有未提交的更改,你应该看到 git-reset [1] ,特别是--...
t0028: fix test for UTF-16-LE-BOM t0028: add more tests t0061: fix test for argv[0] with spaces (MINGW only) Ali Utku Selen (1): shallow.c: don't free unallocated slabs Andrey Mazo (1): .mailmap: update email address of Andrey Mazo ...
Use theworking-tree-encodingattribute only if you cannot store a file in UTF-8 encoding and if you want Git to be able to process the content as text. As an example, use the following attributes if your*.ps1files are UTF-16 encoded with byte order mark (BOM) and you want Git to pe...
static const char utf16_be_bom[] = {'\xFE', '\xFF'}; static const char utf16_le_bom[] = {'\xFF', '\xFE'}; static const char utf32_be_bom[] = {'\0', '\0', '\xFE', '\xFF'}; static const char utf32_le_bom[] = {'\xFF', '\xFE', '\0', '\0'}...
GIT_CONF_SUBST([OLD_ICONV]) # # Define ICONV_OMITS_BOM if you are on a system which # iconv omits bom for utf-{16,32} if test -z "$NO_ICONV"; then AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether iconv omits bom for utf-16 and utf-32], [ac_cv_iconv_omits_bom], ...