Git:我的PC是64位,所以选择64-bit,如果是x86的选32-bit。下载后安装,其中有个选项选择use vs code as git’s default editor,其他全部点next就好。 一、从Git上Download code to 本地文件夹 1.在windows下操作 1、在本地新建一个文件夹用来存放从Github的库里下载的文件。 2、点击右键找到Git bash 3、在g...
Searching via PATH and propose it as VSCode location seems like a pretty good option IMHO. No, because you are using something portable, which by definition can go away very easily and quickly. For your use case, I would suggest overriding the editor the good old way, manually, by setting...
让git bash将vscode作为默认编辑器 只需要在git三个可配置区域(--local--global--system)中的任意一个的配置文件中(.gitconfig)中, 加入以下代码:
on('vscode:openFiles', (event: unknown, request: IOpenFileRequest) => this.onOpenFiles(request)); A little challenge is that merge editor is a contrib while handling of arguments currently does not have a contribution model so we might want to think about moving the merge editor to core ...
下面设置Git Bash中使用vscode命令打开文件。 添加gitbash命令 创建gitbash命令文件 新建一个文件,以要使用的命令命名,比如vscode(不要有其他后缀)。内容如下: #!/bin/sh"C:\vscode\Code.exe"$1& C:\vscode\Code.exe是vscode可执行文件的路径 将新建的文件保存到C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin目录下。即...
To summarize, here are some examples of where you can use VS Code as the editor: git rebase HEAD~3 -ido interactive rebase using VS Code git commituse VS Code for the commit message git add -pfollowed byefor interactive add git difftool <commit>^ <commit>use VS Code as the diff edit..., most of the developers on my team are switching their workflow from VS Code to IntelliJ completely, so I'm looking to do the same for better support and pair programming. This is the last of desired functionality ...
Learn how to use the Visual Studio code editor more efficiently and meet some of the GitLab contributors that made these new features happen.
在Visual Studio Code、Chris Heilmann(@codepo8)、Ramya Achutha Rao(@ramyanexus)、Peng Lyu(@njukidreborn)和 Daniel Imms (@Tyriar) 上的一个开发问题系列中回答了有关 VS Code 的问题,这是一个轻量但功能强大的源代码编辑器,可在桌面上运行,适用于 Windows、macOS 和 Linux。 若要了解详细信息并下载...
gitbook开发环境基于nvm+nodejs+vscode搭建,系统为win10家庭版。 1:安装nvm nvm是nodejs的版本管理器,由于搭建环境中出现的各种问题,需要使用不同版本的nodejs,因此选择使用nvm作为版本管理器,需要时可以随时切换nodejs版本。 nvm下载地址:,下载最新版即可。