While working in a project in Git, we often have to delete and update stuff. We are required to delete/update branches or delete/update files etc. Similar to this, sometimes, we are required to update the tags in Git. Updating a tag will take your tag to another commit. For example, ...
On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: CMakeLists.txt modified: README.md modified...
c39f9f1 (HEAD-> feature/like_samsung_ui_3, tag: v1.3.3) android:Refactor: update the jump logic of the deviceselectinterface 515a718 android:Feature: Display device type icon according to device type 77c01e5 (tag: v1.3.2, test_version) android:Feature: Add engineering mode d2f1956 (tag...
$gitreset--softhead^$gitstatusOnbranchmasterYourbranchisbehind'origin/master'by1commit,andcanbefast-forwarded.(use"git pull"toupdateyourlocalbranch)Changestobecommitted:(use"git reset HEAD <file>..."tounstage)newfile:to_boss.txt$catto_boss.txtmybossisabadguy!$echo'my boss...
Now, suppose you forgot to tag the project at v1.2, which was at the “Update rakefile” commit. You can add it after the fact. To tag that commit, you specify the commit checksum (or part of it) at the end of the command: ...
$ git tag -l ‘v0.1.*’ # 搜索符合模式的标签 打标签 git标签分为两种类型:轻量标签和附注标签。轻量标签是指向提交对象的引用,附注标签则是仓库中的一个独立对象。建议使用附注标签。 # 创建轻量标签 $ git tag v0.1.2-light # 创建附注标签 $ git tag -a v0.1.2 -m “0.1.2版本” 创建轻量...
尽管Git 包含了它自己的上层封装命令,但它的底层核心命令足以支持替代上层封装命令的开发。 上层封装命令开发者可以从阅读git-update-index[1]和git-read-tree[1]开始。 这些底层命令的界面(输入、输出、选项集和语义)要比上层封装命令稳定得多,因为这些命令主要是用于脚本的使用。 另一方面,为了改善终端用户的体验,...
执行上述git tag命令将创建一个新的带注释的标签,标识为v1.2。 更新标签 如果你尝试使用与现有标签相同的标识符创建标签,Git 将抛出如下错误: fatal: tag'v0.4'already exists 此外,如果你尝试使用现有标签标识符来标记旧的提交,Git 将抛出相同的错误。