(当然,也可以写个简单的脚本实现:先做本地tag和远程tag的比较,然后删除本地的在远程repo中已经不存在的tag,保留着远程存在的tag。) git tag -l | xargs git tag -d #delete local tag(s) git fetch vgt --prune #fetch from remote repo #查询远程heads和tags的命令如下: git ls-remote --heads origin...
1 git remote rm origin 1. 2. Now link your local repository to your newly created NEW repository using the following command: 1 git remote add origin <url to NEW repo> 1. 2. Now push all your branches and tags with these commands: 1 git push origin --all 2 git push --tags 1. ...
git remote add new-repo <new-repo-url> git push -u new-repo --all git push -u new-repo --tags 在新仓库中克隆原仓库的代码。可以使用以下命令完成这一步骤: git clone <old-repo-url> 将原仓库的远程仓库添加为新仓库的远程仓库。可以使用以下命令完成这一步骤: git remote add old-repo <old-...
Here, we have connected the upstream remote with our Git local repo: Step 5: Update Git Repo Next, run the “git pull” command with to update the Git repo: $git pullupstream master The above command will fetch and download the content(remote branch) from the remote repository. In our ...
gitupdate-index--assume-unchanged nbproject/project.properties and make sure it never shows as "updated" in your current repo. That means it won't ever been pushed, but it is still present in the index. (and it can be modified at will in your local working tree). ...
1. 查看当前的remote地址: “` git remote -v “` 2. 修改remote的地址: “` git remote set-url “` 其中,`` 是remote的名称,一般情况下为 `origin`,``是新的remote地址。 例如,要修改origin的地址为 `https://github.com/username/repo.git`,可以执行以下命令: ...
--update-refs --no-update-refs Automatically force-update any branches that point to commits that are being rebased. Any branches that are checked out in a worktree are not updated in this way. If the configuration variablerebase.updateRefsis set, then this option can be used to override ...
示例1: test_GitRepo_remote_update ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: from datalad.support.gitrepo import GitRepo [as 别名]# 或者: from datalad.support.gitrepo.GitRepo importupdate_remote[as 别名]deftest_GitRepo_remote_update(path1, path2, path3):git1 = GitRepo(path1) ...