在Git中,默认情况下不追踪文件的访问时间,因此访问时间戳可能不会被更新。 4. 提交时间(Commit Time) 提交时间戳记录了每次代码提交的时间。每次执行`git commit`时,Git会生成一个新的提交记录,其中包含被提交文件的快照以及相关的元数据,包括修改时间和提交时间。可以使用`git log –pretty=format:”%C(auto)%h...
// git commit --date = "月日 时间 年 +0800" - am "提交" //git commit --date = "May 7 9:05:20 2016 +0800" - am "提交" return $"--date=\"{temp[time.Month - 1]} {time.Day} {time.Hour}:{time.Minute}:{time.Second} {time.Year} +0800\" "; } public string Commit(s...
git log是一样的,也可以看到所有分支的历史提交,不一样的是看不到已经被删除的commit记录和reset rebase merge的操作 我们可以看到git reflog前面的就是commit id,现在我们就可以用之前介绍过的方法来回滚版本了,撤消当前commit $ git reset --hard 856a740HEADis now at 856a740 [*]update time to18:51$ git...
Shown when git-push[1] rejects an update that tries to overwrite a remote ref that points at an object that is not a commit-ish, or make the remote ref point at an object that is not a commit-ish. pushNonFFCurrent Shown when git-push[1] fails due to a non-fast-forward update ...
Themergecommand will merge the specified revision(s) into whatever is HEAD at that time. With-C <original-commit>, the commit message of the specified merge commit will be used. When the-Cis changed to a lower-case-c, the message will be opened in an editor after a successful merge so...
gitlog--pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph*2d3acf9 ignore errorsfromSIGCHLDontrap*5e3ee11 Merge branch'master'ofgit://github.com/dustin/grit|\| *420eac9 Addedamethodforgettingthecurrent branch.* |30e367c timeout codeandtests* |5a09431addtimeout protectiontogrit* | e1193f8 supportforheadswit...
Git 系列教程(6)- 查看 commit 提交历史 查看提交历史 在提交了若干更新,又或者克隆了某个项目之后,如何查看提交历史 git log 1. 官方栗子 运行下面的命令获取该项目: git clone https://github.com/scha 1. 运行git log 命令 可以获取到的信息 不传入任何参数的默认情况下,git log会按时间先后顺序列出所有...
git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph* 2d3acf9 ignore errors from SIGCHLD on trap* 5e3ee11 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/dustin/grit|\| * 420eac9 Added a method for getting the current branch.* | 30e367c timeout code and tests* | 5a09431 add timeout protectio...
git: worktree_commit, sanitize author and commiter name and email bef… Dec 28, 2024 worktree_commit_test.go git: gocheck to testify migration.Fixes#1324 Dec 31, 2024 worktree_js.go *: use go-billy instead of os calls May 3, 2021 ...
git commit-am"commit message" 4.删除master分支(Delete the branch) 代码语言:javascript 复制 git branch-Dmaster 5.重命名当前分支为master(Rename the current branch to master) 代码语言:javascript 复制 git branch-m master 6.提交到远程master分支 (Finally, force update your repository) ...