(use "git pull"tomergethe remote branchintoyours) 这是分支产生了分叉现象(就是你的分支和服务器的对应分支有共同基点,然后向不同方向发展)1.git pull 它包括了两个命令(gitfetch; gitmerge) Auto-merging a.c CONFLICT (content):Mergeconflictina.c Automaticmergefailed; fix conflictsandthencommitthe resu...
场景一 git commit ,未git push 执行git undo commit 场景二 git commit ,已git push 执行git undo commit 再执行git force push
由于发生了冲突,我通过reset --soft 撤销了本地的落后的修改的commit,打算直接采用远程分支的修改,来简单处理冲突 在合并分支的时候:git merge origin/otherBranchName&git merge otherBranchName未必一致,所以有时您需要都执行变(特别是在本地也创建了对应的otherBranchName分支) ...
任何版本控制系统中最有用的功能之一就是能够**”撤销(undo)”你之前的错误。在Git中“undo”**功能可能因为场景的不同而有些许的差异。 当你进行一个新的提交时,Git会保存你在这个特定时间点的快照到本地的仓库中,之后,你可以通过Git来回到你早期的某个版本。 我们来先看看一些需要你“撤销”的常见场景,你可...
To undo a Git merge that has not been pushed yet, utilize the “git reset --hard HEAD~1” or “git reset --merge HEAD~1” command.
At any stage, you may want to undo something. Here, we’ll review a few basic tools for undoing changes that you’ve made. Be careful, because you can’t always undo some of these undos. This is one of the few areas in Git where you may lose some work if you do it wrong....
One of the best aspects about Git is that you can undo virtually anything. And, luckily, a merge is no exception! Perhaps you merged the wrong branch, encountered conflicts during the merge process, or realized that the changes introduced are unnecessary. Whatever the case may be, undoing a...
git revert 创造新的commit以修改之前commit带来的改变,这种方法可以不修改历史。 如果一个commit我想undo但是别人已经pull了,首先使用git log提取之前commit的hash,然后 git revert HASH 这会在之前的commit上叠加一个修改后的commit,不会修改历史。这样当别人重新pull的时候就不会产生error,相当于覆盖commit。
Git How to undo a git pull📣 Sponsor Have you ever been working on a project, ran a git pull only to realise you’ve majorly messed up? Now all your code has been overwritten with whatever was in your remote repository - and sometimes this isn’t what you want. In times like ...
shared history. A revert will retain the commits you want to undo and create a new commit that inverts the undesired commit. This method is safer for shared remote collaboration because a remote developer can then pull the branch and receive the new revert commit which undoes the undesired ...