Git undo commit,revert commit,drop commit区别和使用场景#干货分享 - 爱码士编程分享于20240322发布在抖音,已经收获了8.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
场景一 git commit ,未git push 执行git undo commit 场景二 git commit ,已git push 执行git undo commit 再执行git force push
Once a commit is pushed, you do NOT want to usegit resetto undo it - becauseresetwill rewrite the history tree, and anyone who has already pulled that branch will have a bad tree. Instead, we'll usegit revertto make a "revert commit" (like a merge commit), which will "undo" a s...
Once a commit is pushed, you do NOT want to usegit resetto undo it - becauseresetwill rewrite the history tree, and anyone who has already pulled that branch will have a bad tree. Instead, we'll usegit revertto make a "revert commit" (like a merge commit), which will "undo" a s...
git undo commit(通过 git reset 实现)直接修改Git的历史记录,可能会改变HEAD的位置,并可能丢弃未提交的更改。 git revert 创建一个新的提交来撤销之前的更改,保留项目的历史记录,并避免丢失未提交的更改。 适用场景: 使用git reset(作为 git undo commit 的一种实现)适用于你尚未将更改推送到远程仓库,且想要彻...
undo commit 指定文件版本回滚 使用reset后push 时注意 git 的新版本发生些许变化,这使得git help reset上的内容可能发生了变化 在了解相关命令和做法前,建议您先了解git管理下的文件的三种状态: Working tree directory, staging area, and Git directory ...
Undo Last Git Commit Let’s say that you’ve committed the wrong files, but you haven’t pushed your code changes to yourGit remoteyet, so you need to Git undo the local commit. How can you undo the last commit, or group of commits, from your local Git repository?
先上结论:IDEA的Undo Commit有坑。换用 Reset Current Branch to Here。 日常工作前端开发,用VSCode居多,习惯了VSCode的git版本管理。最近用IDEA写Java的时候,发现IDEA中的Undo Commit和 VSCode中的 Undo Last Commit有很大的不同。用起来别扭。 下面是正文 ...
修正最后一个commit的消息 场景: 你在最后一条commit消息里有一个笔误,已经执行了git commit -m ‘Fixes bug #42’,但是在git push之前你意识到这个消息应该是**”Fix bug #43”**。 方法 你可以使用下面的命令: git commit --amend 或 git commit --amend -m 'Fixes bug #43' ...
git commit 后,想把此次 commit 回滚, 使用:git add 前:执行下面命令 git add .git commit -m "Something test"git log git reset HEAD~git log refer: Undo a commit & redo