这是最安全的做法,但通常情况是:你想使用一个命令来“撤销”所有提 交和本地修改——那么请使用--hard参数吧。 五、撤销本地后重做Redo after undo "local" 场景:你已经提交了一些内容,并使用git reset –hard撤销了这些更改(见上面),突然意识到:你想还原这些修改! 使用撤销命令:git reflog和git reset, 或者...
由于没有staged的提交,所以实际上这个提交只是重写了先前的提交信息。 三、撤销本地更改 Undo "local" changes 场景:当你的猫爬过键盘时,你正在编辑的文件恰好被保存了,你的编辑器也恰在此时崩溃了。此时你并没有提交过代码。你期望撤销这个文件中的所有修改——将这个文件回退到上次提交的状态。 使用撤销命令:git...
# Undo changes in tracked files git reset --hard # Remove untracked files git clean -df 运行完reset/clean一系列命令后,工作区和暂存区回滚到最近的commit,git status将会告诉你这是一个干净的工作区,你现在可以准备重新开始了。 注意,那些新增的文件没有被加入暂存区,它们不会被git reset --hard影响,必...
You can obtain everything you need from the screen. Okay,now we know what the hell that tomato can did to our codes. In this case,we only need to type in "git checkout -- index.html" and we can get everything back.It's kind of like,uh,undo your changes. __EOF__...
Stage this change using the “Git Changes” Tab in VS Add a line like “//2” and save Right-click in the opened file and choose Git -> Undo Changes Actual Result: All changes are reverted. Expected Result: Only change “//2” is reverted because “//1” is already s...
To undo a commit in Git, first, navigate to the Git local repository. Create a new file and track it to the staging area using the “$ git add <file-name>” command. Then, commit changes, and display the log history by executing the “$ git log –oneline –graph” command. After ...
The View History menu item has moved under the Git menu, so now I have to hover over Git then click on View History. I do thisa lot, so when a file has changes on it I always accidentally click on Undo Changes since that item now appears a the top. ...
Undoing File Changes One of the only ways to restore a file that has been changed inadvertently (or deleted), is to have an extra copy of that file on hand. We will discuss a few ways of ensuring that you have that option. Backups ...
當您想要復原 Git 存放庫中的變更時,請先決定您要復原的變更類型。 例如,您可能要: 將檔案還原為最後一個認可的版本,以捨棄檔案的未認可變更。 您也可以將檔案還原為任何認可的版本。 將分支重設為先前的認可,將分支還原為先前的狀態。 建立可反轉變更的新認可,以復原共享認可所做的變更。 由於此方法不會重寫...
撤消由共享提交所做的更改 放弃对文件所做的未提交的更改 如果对文件进行了更改但尚未提交这些更改,则可以使用 Gitcheckout快速放弃更改并将文件还原为其上次提交的版本。 如果指定提交 ID,Gitcheckout还可以将文件还原为任何已提交的版本。 警告 如果可能想要重新应用 Gitcheckout将放弃的更改,请考虑改为储藏这些更改...