在你使用gitkraken拉取代码报错:Too many redirects or authentication replays? 解决方案:在url后面加上.git,然后再拉取,即可解决
在Django中使用自定义中间件时出现'ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS‘错误 尝试为语义ui调光器执行useState()时出现"Error: Too many“(错误:重新渲染过多) 为什么在克隆git存储库时会出现打开ssl错误? 从git集线器存储库中克隆特定文件夹 在LAMP设置上载较大的文件时,出现"Payload too large“错误 ...
We are using a personal access token (pat) created in Bitbucket and tested the pat from the command line to clone the empty repo we set up for PSU. We also checked that the branch name was correct in app config settings. Logs show: [ERR] Failed to sync: too many redirects or auth...
if we run update or reconfigure now, we'll be back to ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue What is the current bug behavior? Gitlab throws ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS after update. Gitlab throws 503 on trying to access projects/issues/etc when I restore it from backup (which was created while Gitla...
LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: too many redirects or authentication replays 报错原因除了网上问题之外: 1、部署服务器和TFS(git)服务器不在同一个域内。必须将两台电脑加到样的域内才行。 2、两台服务器不在同一个域内,认证时用户名要加上域(域\域用户名) ...
After approving new users in gitlab-ee they forced to change password, but after login when they are transfer to https://gitlab.domain.com/-/profile/password/new they see too many redirects and after that moving to https://gitlab.domain.com/users/sign_up/welcome and this one is also ...
(I am getting same error - Too many redirects or authentication replays) _gitrepo = https://repo.mycompany.com/GPP/baseproject/tree/master/src/myLibCode Code Snippet: private static void DownloadGitRepo(string _gitrepo, string _pathtodownload) { var secrets = new SecretStore("git"); var...
I got "Too many redirects or a uthentication replays" error when using "UsernamePasswordCredentials"(with self provided username and password) credentials to do clone or pull request. But it works if I use "DefaultCredentials" credential...
Too many redirects This can happen when you have TLS termination before the NGINX Ingress, and the tls-secrets are specified in the configuration. Update your values to set global.ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect": "false" Via a values file: # values.yaml ...
This seemed to cause a few other issues (too many redirects so I will play with the reverse proxy…). However, looking at the logs this seems like it worked. Thanks so much. Thanks, Joecjpoor September 3, 2021, 11:57am 17 In my case the Gitlab instance url was simply git@gitlab...