如果想要保留两个分支中的某一个可以使用git chekout --ours <fileName>或者git checkout --theirs <fileName>,这里需要注意的是,一定要知道哪个分支对应ours或theirs。 直接说结论,对于merge和rebase来说,这两个选项对应的分支正好是相反的。以上述示例项目为例。在使用merge时,ours指的是当前分支,即branch_a,t...
Merge | 分支交汇的交叉路口 Merge的原理很简单,就是将要合并分支的最新提交组合成一个新的提交,并且插入到目标分支中。 现在你想要把 main 分支 merge 到你的 feature 分支上去,那么 git 会把两个分支的最新提交4和5合并成一个提交,并且合入目标分支 feature,也就是: git checkout feature git merge main 最...
This is the opposite ofours; note that, unlikeours, there is notheirsmerge strategy to confuse this merge option with. ignore-space-change ignore-all-space ignore-space-at-eol ignore-cr-at-eol Treats lines with the indicated type of whitespace change as unchanged for the sake of a three-...
– 三方合并:当待合并分支不是当前分支的直接上游分支时,Git使用三方合并(Three-way merge)算法。该算法会查找并确定合并基础(merge base),即两个分支最后一次共同的提交,然后将两个分支之间的差异进行合并,并生成一个新的提交记录,该提交记录包含了两个分支的修改内容。 4. 解决冲突:在使用三方合并进行分支合并时...
merge= “` 其中,``表示要设置属性的文件路径(支持通配符),``表示要禁止使用的合并策略。常用的合并策略有以下几种: –`union`:禁止使用递归三方合并 –`theirs`:禁止使用theirs合并(使用对方的修改) –`ours`:禁止使用ours合并(使用自己的修改) 举个例子,如果我们要禁止合并分支`feature/foo`上的所有`*.txt`...
theirs This is the opposite ofours; note that, unlikeours, there is notheirsmerge strategy to confuse this merge option with. ignore-space-change ignore-all-space ignore-space-at-eol ignore-cr-at-eol Treats lines with the indicated type of whitespace change as unchanged for the sake of a ...
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 你可以手动解决$codefile冲突,或者 $ git checkout --ours $codefile 选择master的版本来解决冲突 $ git checkout --theirs $codefile 选择feature版本来解决冲突 然后添加冲突文件为已解决并继续 ...
git merge[-n] [--stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit] [-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]] [--[no-]allow-unrelated-histories] [--[no-]rerere-autoupdate] [-m <msg>] [<commit>…]git merge--abortgit merge--continue ...
git merge --strategy-option theirs 3.Review changes individually. The final option is to review each change separately. This option is also the best path to take, especially when working with multiple files and people. To make this job more manageable, use special tools to help review individu...
If all goes well, Git takes thecombinedchanges and applies them to the snapshot from commitH. That combines our work: we keep our changes, and add theirs, whichever "side" of this we think of as ours and whichever one we think of as theirs. ...