当你遇到 Git 报错“fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository”时,这通常意味着 Git 检测到仓库中的一些文件或目录的所有权不属于当前用户。这种情况可能会导致 Git 操作失败,因为 Git 需要对当前用户有足够的权限来读取和修改仓库内容。以下是一些解决步骤: 确认当前用户是否有权限访问和操作该 Git 仓库: ...
在通过 Git Bash 提交项目代码时输入 git status 命令后,报错:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 这是因为该项目的所有者与现在的用户不一致 比如说: 该项目的所有者是 root,而当前用户是 www, 那么就会导致上面的错误 解决的办法也很简单在 git bash 中输入: 意思就是把该目录或者文件白名单...
detected dubious ownership in repository at '/home/smc/vchatbi' To add an exception for this directory, call: git config --global --addsafe.directory/home/smc/vchatbi 这个错误是由于Git的安全策略导致的,Git 认为你尝试更新的目录的所有权存在问题,因此阻止了操作。这是为了防止潜在的安全问题。在这种...
Shouren:fix/git-detected-dubious-ownership-in-repository Status Startup failure Total duration – Artifacts – cicd.yaml on: pull_request cpp macos-cpp Publish Linux UT Results / publish-test-results release Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ by humans.txt Annotations ...
win10通过 git init 在路径E:/11初始化了个仓库,通过软件SourceTree关联创建的仓库,出现弹窗告知发生错误“git status 失败,错误代码128:fatal:detected dubious ownership in repository at E:/11”等等。 看到英语就烦,没有仔细阅读这段话。通过网络查到可能是SourceTree,路径错误关联到E:/11/.git,验证下,不对...
-> invoke_generator(git submodule status, .) fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'C:/<git repo path>' 'C:/<git repo path>' is owned by: <domain>/<other user> (S-1-5-21-527237240-764733703-725345543-517076) but the current user is: ...
6.fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository 原因:git会检查当前用户是否是git仓库文件夹的所有者 解决:更改文件夹所有者,jenkins调用的用户是system,需要将文件夹换成system 7.error Delete␍Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line .Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warni...
git status 出现错误 fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository 又出现Permission denied 权限错误 以上两个错误,开头链接指向的博客里面有 2.1.3 本地提交更新 代码语言:javascript 复制 git commit-m"init project" 执行下面命令查看状态,看看是否成功,出现下面内容表示成功了 ...
Error: fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/builds/<project dir>' Secret detection might fail with an exit status of 128. This can be caused by a change to the user on the Docker image. For example: $ /analyzer run [INFO] [secrets] [2024-06-06T07:28:13Z] ▶ ...
Describe the issue you are experiencing I try to follow the instruction at https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/operating-system/getting-started, and it failed to build containerd with fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository...