当我们需要恢复之前暂存的改动时,就可以使用git unstash命令。具体使用方法如下: 1. 使用git stash list命令查看当前暂存的改动列表,找到需要恢复的暂存标识符。 2. 使用git unstash命令恢复暂存的改动,命令为:git unstash stash@{n},其中n为暂存的标识符。 3. 使用git stash list命令再次查看当前暂存的改动列表...
Unmodify: 文件已经入库,但没有修改,即版本库中的文件快照内容和文件夹中的一致。这类文件如果被修改,变为modified,如果使用 git rm --cached file,则会移除版本库,变为untracked 状态。 Modified:文件已经被修改,并没有进行其他操作。此文件两种去处,通过 git add 加入暂存staged 状态,使用 git checkout 丢弃修...
git unstash命令的作用是取消之前保存的临时改动,将其恢复到工作目录中。简单来说,就是将之前使用git stash命令保存的临时改动撤销掉,使工作目录回到stash之前的状态。 使用git unstash命令可以按照下面的步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,使用git stash list命令查看当前分支下的所有stash列表。这将显示出所有保存的临时改动的...
1.当本地改动后,可以通过VCS-->Git,然后Stash Changes,就将本地的全部改动临时保存到本地仓库。 2.再接着点击Pull,这样就将本地的代码更新到最新了。 3.然后再点击如上图所示的 UnStash Changes,这样就将之前的改动合并到本地,如果有冲突,自己手动修改即可。
The command takes options applicable to the git log command to control what is shown and how. See git-log[1]. show [-u|--include-untracked|--only-untracked] [<diff-options>] [<stash>] Show the changes recorded in the stash entry as a diff between the stashed contents and the comm...
VCS-->git-->Unstash,选中你刚刚的stash,选中Pop stash。点击pop stash即可。如下图: 但是我这里遇到个问题,屏幕右下角有如下提示: 点击View them,发现是.DS_store 文件,这个我已经在.gitignore中声明忽略该文件了。所以我的localChanges中并没有该文件。
The command takes options applicable to thegit logcommand to control what is shown and how. Seegit-log[1]. show [<stash>] Show the changes recorded in the stash entry as a diff between the stashed contents and the commit back when the stash entry was first created. When no<stash>is ...
The command takes options applicable to thegit logcommand to control what is shown and how. Seegit-log[1]. show [<options>] [<stash>] Show the changes recorded in the stash entry as a diff between the stashed contents and the commit back when the stash entry was first created. When ...
Create a stash entry (which is a regular commit object) and return its object name, without storing it anywhere in the ref namespace. This is intended to be useful for scripts. It is probably not the command you want to use; see "push" above. ...
(To restore themtype"git stash apply") 你的工作目录就干净了: 1 2 3 $ git status # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) 这时,你可以方便地切换到其他分支工作;你的变更都保存在栈上。要查看现有的储藏,你可以使用git stash list: ...