Git stash, as the name indicates, lets you stash-away some changes temporarily. You can think of stashes as being "temporary commits". You can stash your changes with the following command: Copy git stash save "Changes in file2" Togit stash, I pass in the commandsavealong with a messag...
其中左边your uncommitted changes是你未提交的代码;中间result显示你源分支最末已提交版本代码,右边changes from remote是目标分支的最末已提交版本代码;左右两边是不能更改的,只有中间可以改,作为最终的提交;accept left和accept right分别接收左右两边直接就会结束,continue merge相当于关闭2级对话框,继续进行,apply就...
Message中填入信息(用于还原选择),点击"Create Stash",就可以看到刚写的代码没掉了 在当前分支修改代码,然后提交 重新获取暂存代码 点击"Git">"Uncommitted Changes">"Unstash Changes..." 选择对应暂存记录,点击"Apply Stash"即可还原代码 vscode 暂存当前未提交代码 点击"Git"图标 > 提交界面右上角的"..." >...
首先你可以查看你的stash记录 $ git stash list 然后你可以apply某个stash $ git stash apply"stash@{n}" 此处, 'n'是stash在栈中的位置,最上层的stash会是0 除此之外,也可以使用时间标记(假如你能记得的话)。 $ git stash apply"stash@{2.hours.ago}" 40、暂存时保留未暂存的内容 你需要手动create一...
$ git stash $ git checkout my-branch $ git stash pop 我想丢弃本地未提交的变化(uncommitted changes) 如果你只是想重置源(origin)和你本地(local)之间的一些提交(commit),你可以: # one commit (my-branch)$ git reset --hard HEAD^ # two commits ...
Git stash temporarily shelves or stashes changes made to your working copy so you can work on something else, and come back and re-apply them later on.
$ git stash $ git checkout my-branch $ git stash pop 我想丢弃本地未提交的变化(uncommitted changes) 如果你只是想重置源(origin)和你本地(local)之间的一些提交(commit),你可以: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # onecommit(my-branch)$ git reset--hardHEAD^# twocommits(my-branch)$ git reset--hardHEAD...
4. Stashing uncommitted changes If you’re ever working on a feature and need to do an emergency fix on the project, you could run into a problem. You don’t want to commit an unfinished feature, and you also don’t want to lose current changes. The solution is to temporarily remove...
The "git stash" command can help you to (temporarily but safely) store your uncommitted local changes - and leave you with a clean working copy. The Git Cheat Sheet No need to remember all those commands and parameters: get our popular "Git Cheat Sheet" - for free!
Learn what stashing is and how to use the Git stash apply and the Git stash pop commands to apply your saved changes back in your working repository.