在做新功能测试的时候在开发分支(branch dev)上创建了一个新的分支(branch dev_experiment),在dev_experiment中做了很多尝试了,做了较多的提交,有些提交是中间过程,commit message也写的比较草率,不适合并入remote repo中,所以需要删除一些commit信息。 但是commit是不能删除的,只能压缩(squash)也就是,将多个commits...
Learn how to use the Git squash command to clean up your commit history in Git. Can you squash all commits in a branch? Get the answer and see how using GitKraken.
As already said, the act of "squashing" your commits means that you combine multiple existing commits into a single one. If you should do this or avoid it is - to some extent - a question of preference: in some teams, for example, squashing commits is the preferred way to merge a ...
squash c16cbc6 Add file2 squash 6afa3ac Add file3 保存并退出,git 将打开编辑器,通知我们将要合并三个提交: #This is a combination of 3 commits. #This is the 1st commit message: Add file1 #This is the commit message#2: Add file2 #This is the commit message#3: Add file3 #Please en...
[Git] Squash commits,gitcheckoutyourBranchgitreset--softHEAD~$(gitrev-list--countHEAD^master)gitadd-Agitcommit-m"onecommitonyourBranch"...
3.1.2 压合合并(squashed commits): 将一条分支上的若干个提交条目压合成一个提交条目,提交到另一条分支的末梢。 把dev分支上的所有提交压合成主分支上的一个提交,即压合提交: $git checkout master$git merge --squash dev 此时,dev上的所有提交已经合并到当前工作区并暂存,但还没有作为一个提交,可以像其他...
In this post, we'll cover everything you need to know about Git Squash including what it does and best practices for using it.
I have tons of commits to squash, do I have to count them one by one? A downside of thegit rebase --interactive HEAD~[N]command is that you have to guess the exact number of commits, by counting them one by one. Luckily, there is another way: ...
Automatically squash commits with specially formatted messages into previous commits being rebased. If a commit message starts with "squash! ", "fixup! " or "amend! ", the remainder of the subject line is taken as a commit specifier, which matches a previous commit if it matches the subject...
In this tutorial, we’ll briefly introduce what Git squashing is. Then, we’ll talk about when we need to squash commits. Finally, we’ll take a closer look at how to do that. 2. What’s Git Squashing? When we say “squash” in Git, it means to combine multiple continuous commits...