You just have to run git redate and you'll be able to edit all the dates in vim of the most recent 5 commits (there's also a -c option for how many commits you want to go back, it just defaults to 5). Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions! Share ...
1.git config 用法:git config [<选项>] #用法:git config [<选项>]#配置文件位置--global#使用全局配置文件--system#使用系统级配置文件--local#使用仓库级配置文件--worktree#使用工作区级别的配置文件-f, --file <文件>#使用指定的配置文件--blob <数据对象 ID>#从给定的数据对象读取配置#操作--get#获...
Rather than abandoning the commits after the erroneous commit, you want to apply them again and deal with the impacts of your changed history commit by commit. For those who want a bit more manual control over the history revision process, Git provides the interactive rebase tool. With interact...
-S, --gpg-sign[=<key-id>] #GPG 提交签名 -x #追加提交名称 --ff #允许快进式 --allow-empty #保留初始化的空提交 --allow-empty-message #允许提交说明为空 --keep-redundant-commits #保持多余的、空的提交 $ git cherry-pick [commit] ...
git config--global commit.gpgsigntrue 补充 Git 查看/修改 全局 用户名/邮箱 查看全局 用户名和邮箱 代码语言:javascript 复制 git config--global user.name git config--global user.email 修改全局 用户名和邮箱 代码语言:javascript 复制 git config--global user.name"用户名"git config--global user.email...
Based on the marked answer the best way to do file changes on an old commit, not the previous one, is git rebase interactive. But instead of using HEAD~NUMBER I prefer to use hash commits. So my answer is like the following example, I want to change the getRandomArbitrary.t...
Checkout old commits Thegit checkoutcommand is used to update the state of the repository to a specific point in the projects history. When passed with a branch name, it lets you switch between branches. git checkout hotfix Internally, all the above command does is moveHEADto a different ...
建议你下载Notepad++代替记事本,不但功能强大,而且免费!记得把Notepad++的默认编码设置为UTF-8 without BOM即可,将notepad++设置为git默认的文本编辑器的方法在下面会讲到,具体位置在代码段一后面的一小段说明性文字中。 ——以上内容部分摘自廖雪峰老师的教程,在此表示感谢。