在local changes 中选中要比对的文件,右键选择show diff 便可以查看文件的变动。或者选择Revert放弃文件的改动 79_8.png 2.5、git log 在Version Control下选择Log,可以查看提交历史 79_9.png 2.6、git commit 默认导入的工程已经git add加入库跟踪区了 随便修改一下pom.xml文件,其修改的文件会显示在Version Contro...
$ git stash branch testchanges Switched to anewbranch"testchanges"# On branch testchanges # Changes to be committed:#(use"git reset HEAD <file>..."to unstage)# # modified:index.html # # Changes not stagedforcommit:#(use"git add <file>..."to update what will be committed)# # modifi...
可以使用git stash show命令,后面可以跟着stash名字。示例如下: $ git stash show index.html | 1 + style.css | 3 +++ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+) 1. 2. 3. 4. 在该命令后面添加-p或--patch可以查看特定stash的全部diff,如下: $ git stash show -p diff --git a/style.css b/style.css...
可以使用git stash show命令,后面可以跟着stash名字。示例如下: $git stash show index.html| 1 + style.css |3+++2files changed,4insertions(+) 在该命令后面添加-p或--patch可以查看特定stash的全部diff,如下: $ git stash show -pdiff --git a/style.css b/style.cssnew file mode 100644index 000000...
如果你用git commit-a 提交了一次变化(changes),而你又不确定到底这次提交了哪些内容。你就可以用下面的命令显示当前HEAD上的最近一次的提交(commit): (main)$git show 或者 $git log-n1 -p 我的提交信息(commit message)写错了 如果你的提交信息(commit message)写错了且这次提交(commit)还没有推(push), 你...
For each commit, show a summary of changes using the raw diff format. See the "RAW OUTPUT FORMAT" section of git-diff[1]. This is different from showing the log itself in raw format, which you can achieve with --format=raw. --patch-with-raw Synonym for -p --raw. -t Show the...
Shown when git-merge[1] refuses to merge to avoid overwriting local changes. detachedHead Shown when the user uses git-switch[1] or git-checkout[1] to move to the detached HEAD state, to tell the user how to create a local branch after the fact. diverging Shown when a fast-forward...
Local History不需要。 Shelve和Stash比较 Shelve基本使用 Shelve操作:在待提交的文件集或者具体的文件上右击,然后选择Shelve Changes...,在弹出的窗口中定义描述即可 UnShelve操作: Stash基本操作 在待提交窗口下,随便点击一个未commit的文件,右击,选择Git --> Stash Changes 然后在弹出窗口中填上本次暂存的描述...
1,首先看下文件的几个工作区:Unstaged Changes(本地工作空间),Staged Changes(Add to Index操作之后代码存放的地方),Local Repository(本地仓库),Remote Repository(远程仓库)。 图片中只展示两个工作区:Unstaged Changes,Staged Changes(中文名叫暂存区,一般存放在".git目录下"的index(.git/index)文件中,所以我们...
cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes. additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes. Please commit or stash them. Show detailsinconsole19:28Local changes were not restored Before update your uncommitted changes were saved to shelf. ...