git diff [options] --cached [<commit>] [--] [<path>…] git diff [options] <commit> <commit> [--] [<path>…] git diff [options] <blob> <blob> git diff [options] [--no-index] [--] <path> <path> 命令参数 --src-prefix=<prefix> 指定源文件的前缀来代替 "a/"。 -...
According to themanpages,log"Shows the commit logs", which may seem obvious. If you read through themanpages, you'll notice that there are a lot of overlapping features withshow. The main difference is thatshowis mainly used for inspecting a single commit, whereaslogis used for showing a ...
$git diff origin/master HEAD --name-only 显示本地和origin/master分支的diff文件名 src/lib/array.h git diff origin/master HEAD 显示本地和origin/master分支的diff内容 --- 2017.7.4 update 1. 查看本地已经commit,但未push的版本 git cherry -v 2. 查看版本中的具体代码 git show xxxxx_version_id...
GitDiff 显示 git 仓库和 XCode 源代码编辑器保存的代码文件的不同之处,复制仓库的内容到你的机器上,构建和重启 XCode。修改过的地方会用橙色标记,蓝色代表新加入的代码。删除的代码使用红色标记。
首先,`git diff` 命令用于比较当前工作目录(working tree)与索引文件(index file)之间的差异。索引文件是暂存区,包含了将要被提交到版本库的内容。`git diff --cached` 命令则专门用于查看索引文件与最近一次提交(commit)之间的差异。这是当你已经做好了提交前的准备工作,但还未真正提交时,需要...
git diff 和 git diff –cached 和 git diff HEAD (a)新建一个文件夹“gitDiffTest”,在里面新建2个txt文档,并写入内容(具体见以下图片) (b)通过GitBash使用git init,git add -A,git commit –m “First Commit”命令第一次提交。 该操作用于生成第一份commit提交过的版本,用于待会使用git diff等命令用于...
当进行代码审查,或者快速浏览某个搭档提交的 commit 的变化的时候,这个参数就非常有用了。 某些时候,单词层面的对比,比行层面的对比,更加容易观察。Git 提供了 --word-diff 选项。我们可以将其添加到 git log -p 命令的后面,从而获取单词层面上的对比。在程序代码中进行单词层面的对比常常是没什么用的。不过当...
$ git config --global diff.tool bc 这样我们就可以在终端通过 Git 命令使用 Beyond Compare 进行差异比对了。命令格式如下: $ git difftool <commitA> <commitB> 还是以刚刚两个 commit 为例: $ cd /{path}/DiffTest $ git difftool 27d76d0 417dc0c ...
This is a neat, crisp method to quickly show changes in a particular commit. It uses thegitrevisions <rev>^!shortcut to pack all the find functionality in a single, short line of code. gitdiff<commit_ref>^! The<commit_ref>^!short-hand notation refers to the commit<commit_ref>but exc...
Say there is amasterbranch, create a newdevbranch. To list the commits which are indevbut not inmaster: git log --name-status release..test Show the commits that are in the "test" branch but not yet in the "release" branch, along with the list of paths each commit modifies....