3. 进入代码页面:在仓库页面中,找到类似 “Code”、”Repository” 或者 “Source” 的选项卡,点击进入代码页面。 4. 进入commit对比页面:在代码页面中,找到类似 “Commits”、”History”、”Log” 的选项,点击进入commit对比页面。 5. 选择要对比的commit:在commit对比页面中,通常会显示出所有的commit记录。你可...
如果代码托管在远程仓库平台(如GitHub、GitLab等),可以通过网页界面来查看commit历史和差异。在项目页面中,一般会有一个“Commits”或者“History”链接,点击进去即可查看所有commit的详细信息。 总结:通过以上几种方式,我们可以很方便地查看Git仓库中的commit历史和差异。选择合适的方式,可以根据自己的需求来进行查看和分析。
git log --stat: show diffstat of changes introduced at each commit. 同样是用来看改动的相对信息的,--stat比-p的输出更简单一些. git diff 不加参数的git diff: show diff of unstaged changes. 此命令比较的是工作目录中当前文件和暂存区域快照之间的差异(即比较工作区与缓存区的差异),也就是修改之后还...
(use "git push" to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working tree clean 使用--soft 模式进行撤回->暂存区 ➜ learn_git git:(master) git reset --soft HEAD~ ➜ learn_git git:(master) ✗ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. ...
show commit history of a branch. git log --oneline --number: 每条log只显示一行,显示number条. git log --oneline --graph:可以图形化地表示出分支合并历史. git log branchname可以显示特定分支的log. git log --oneline branch1 ^branch2,可以查看在分支1,却不在分支2中的提交.^表示排除这个分支(Wind...
show commit history of a branch. git log --oneline --number: 每条log只显示一行,显示number条. git log --oneline --graph:可以图形化地表示出分支合并历史. git log branchname可以显示特定分支的log. git log --oneline branch1 ^branch2,可以查看在分支1,却不在分支2中的提交.^表示排除这个分支(Wind...
在使用git show命令时,可以通过参数来指定要显示的提交,例如使用提交的哈希值或分支名。 在检查过去提交的更改时,有时候我们希望排除某个目录,以便更清晰地查看其他文件或目录的更改。这时可以使用git show命令的路径限定参数来实现。 要在git show命令中排除目录,可以使用路径限定参数-- . ':!目录名'。其中,...
Continue listing the historyofa file beyondrenames(works onlyfora single file).--no-decorate,--decorate[=short|full|no]Print out the ref namesofany commits that are shown.If short is specified,the ref name prefixes refs/heads/,refs/tags/and refs/remotes/will not be printed.If full is ...
To modify a commit that is farther back in your history, you must move to more complex tools. Git doesn’t have a modify-history tool, but you can use the rebase tool to rebase a series of commits onto the HEAD that they were originally based on instead of moving them to another one...
Viewing the Commit History After you have created several commits, or if you have cloned a repository with an existing commit history, you’ll probably want to look back to see what has happened. The most basic and powerful tool to do this is thegit logcommand. ...