git diff [branchA]…[branchB]给出的. 实际上它是:git diff $(git merge-base [branchA] [branchB]) [branchB]的结果. git commit 提交已经被add进来的改动. git commit -m “the commit message" git commit -a 会先把所有已经track的文件的改动add进来,然后提交(有点像svn的一次提交,不用先暂存)...
git diff [branchA]…[branchB]给出的. 实际上它是:git diff $(git merge-base [branchA] [branchB]) [branchB]的结果. git commit 提交已经被add进来的改动. git commit -m “the commit message" git commit -a 会先把所有已经track的文件的改动add进来,然后提交(有点像svn的一次提交,不用先暂存)...
git push origin <local_branch>:<remote_branch> # 创建远程分支 git push origin :<remote_branch> #先删除本地分支(git br -d <branch>),然后再push删除远程分支 Git远程仓库管理 GitHub git remote -v # 查看远程服务器地址和仓库名称 git remote show origin # 查看远程服务器仓库状态 git remote add ...
commit d5e9fc2c811e0ca2b2d28506ef7dc14171a207d9(HEAD->master)Merge:c68142b7774248Author:runoob<>Date:FriMay315:55:582019+0800Mergebranch'change_site'commit c68142b562c260c3071754623b08e2657b4c6d5bAuthor:runoob<>Date:FriMay315:52:122019+0800修改代码commit777424832e...
Git代码托管4:查看commit后的History Git代码托管5:恢复之前的代码 1.使用Local History-->Show History查看commit的记录 (1)选择项目右键。 查看commit记录 (2)查看commit记录。 commit记录窗口 2.使用Git-->Show History查看commit的记录 (1)选择项目右键。
# 将代码提交到本地仓库,不commit不会提交更改 git commit -m 'first commit' # 将本地代码推到远程仓库master分支上 git push origin master # 当远程很本地冲突时,应先把远程代码pull过来,再push上去 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories # 将本地仓库中的代码提交到远程服务器的master分支...
Viewing the Commit History After you have created several commits, or if you have cloned a repository with an existing commit history, you’ll probably want to look back to see what has happened. The most basic and powerful tool to do this is thegit logcommand. ...
git log Branch1 ^Branch2 在commit log 中显示 GPG 签名 git log --show-signature 删除全局设置 git config --global --unset <entry-name> 新建并切换到新分支上,同时这个分支没有任何 commit 相当于保存修改,但是重写 commit 历史 git checkout --orphan <branch-name> 展示任意分支某一文件的内容 git ...
After you have created several commits, or if you have cloned a repository with an existing commit history, you’ll probably want to look back to see what has happened. The most basic and powerful tool to do this is thegit logcommand. ...
itemVersion If provided, identifies the commit or branch to search showOldestCommitsFirst If enabled, this option will ignore the itemVersion and compareVersion parameters toCommitId If provided, an upper bound for filtering commits alphabetically toDate If provided, only include history entries cre...