git show命令用于显示指定提交的详细信息,包括提交的作者、提交时间、提交的更改内容等。在使用git show命令时,可以通过参数来指定要显示的提交,例如使用提交的哈希值或分支名。 在检查过去提交的更改时,有时候我们希望排除某个目录,以便更清晰地查看其他文件或目录的更改。这时可以使用git show命令的路径限定参数...
diff: Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc 可以比较不同文件、不同分支等很多东西之间的差异,功能很强大,但是就我个人而言很少在命令行中直接使用。有两个有意思的点: (1) git diff 默认会在文件前加前缀 a 和 b,其中 a 指 source,b 指 destination,可以通过 --no-prefix 去掉; ...
No problem, we can use thegit --amendcommand to change it very easily.Note: This only holds if you did not yet push your changes to the remote repository git commit --amend It open the REPL let you to modify the last commit message. We shouldn't change the commit message from the r...
git commit --amend Once you are satisfied with your changes, run git rebase --continue 我们可以按照以下说明为提交添加新的更改,但我们可以通过运行git reset HEAD^来进行“软重置”3。如果在此之后运行git status,你将看到它取消了提交最新的提交,并将其更改添加到工作树中: Last commands done (2 command...
Did you make a typo in your last commit message? No problem, we can use thegit --amendcommand to change it very easily.Note: This only holds if you did not yet push your changes to the remote repository git commit --amend 1.
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") 这时会发现那个失误的提交确实被完美处理了。 参考 stack overflow 这个答案居然有两万多个赞,看来大家都误操作过 Git 。。。
git log --stat: show diffstat of changes introduced at each commit. 同样是用来看改动的相对信息的,--stat比-p的输出更简单一些. git diff 不加参数的git diff: show diff of unstaged changes. 此命令比较的是工作目录中当前文件和暂存区域快照之间的差异(即比较工作区与缓存区的差异),也就是修改之后还...
git blame getURL.js//check who and when made the last changes to the file Then you will get the commit id, you can use git log to see the detial and commit message: git log <commit_id> -p
It’s important to note thatgit diffby itself doesn’t show all changes made since your last commit — only changes that are still unstaged. If you’ve staged all of your changes,git diffwill give you no output. For another example, if you stage theCONTRIBUTING.mdfile and then edit...
To see the last commit on each branch, you can use the following command: “` git branch -v “` This will show the last commit message and the commit hash for each branch. 5. Merging Branches Merging is the process of combining the changes from one branch to another. To merge a bran...