... which will show you all the changes introduced on branch2 since it diverged from branch1 (or, strictly speaking, since the merge-base). The different uses of .. and ... in git diff and git log, can be a bit confusing, so you might find the diagrams in this answer help...
Switched to branch'master'Your branch is ahead of'gitee/master'by 8 commits. (use"git push"to publish yourlocalcommits) $ git branch -d dev Deleted branch dev (was 0066f6d). 查看分支创建时间 git reflog show --date=iso <branch name>命令可以查看到指定分支的历次更改记录...
假设第二次提交是错的,需要改变一下 [root@localhost test]# git reset HEAD^ Unstaged changes after reset: M master_file [root@localhost test]# git show-branch --more=5 [master] This is test! [root@localhost test]# cat master_file foo more foo 执行后Git离开了master_file的新状态,因为重置...
[rejected] mybranch -> mybranch (non-fast-forward) error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/tanay1337/webmaker.org.git' hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: '...
$ git branch dev 我们可以使用 git branch 来查看当前分支的创建情况: $ git branch dev * master git branch命令会列出所有分支,当前分支前面会标一个*号,可以看到现在有两个分支,一个是 dev,一个是 master。 然后我们就可以用git switch 分支名切换分支了: ...
Changes not staged for commit: modified: index.html $ git stash Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 5002d47 our new homepage HEAD is now at 5002d47 our new homepage $ git status On branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean ...
You can also specify the -b option on thecheckoutcommand. This creates the branch and checkout in one command. git checkout -b <branchname> Let's have a look at a visual example. Three changes have been committed to the Git system on the main branch. The main branch is the currently...
Branch filter Click Branch and select a branch to review changes made to a file within this branch. Refresh Click this button to refresh the current information. Show Diff Ctrl0D Click this button to compare the selected revision of a file with its previous revision in the Diff Viewer. Show...
The first commit in a new Git repo is the start of the main branch. As you work in the main branch, you make commits to record your work in that branch. Branching in Git occurs when you create a new line of development that diverges from a prior branch. You might choose to create ...
]# git show-branch --more=5 [master] add 1 to file1 //(2)查看索引状态 ]# git status On branch master Changes not stagedforcommit: (use"git add <file>..."to update what will be committed) (use"git restore <file>..."to discard changes in working directory) ...