(1) git reset --soft commitid3 (2) git status 可以看到绿色的已经add过的文件(即commitid1和commitid2的改动) (3) git commit -s #添加评论,保存退出后会生成change_id (4) git log 可以看到已经有了change_id (5) git push origin HEAD:refs/for/工作分支 参考: https://blog.csdn.net/u0128...
其中参数指明的是某个指定的commit:“commit 4b6d0b2a8b3268f9515eec522c4725980fe2feed”。 另外一种方式:git show-branch ...以简洁的方式查看当前分支的提交描述。 james@james-PC MINGW64 /d/GitDemo/public_html (master) $ git show-branch --more=10[master] Convert to HTML [master^] Initial co...
If--recursiveis specified, this command will recurse into nested submodules, and show their status as well. If you are only interested in changes of the currently initialized submodules with respect to the commit recorded in the index or the HEAD,git-status[1]andgit-diff[1]will provide that...
commit c1501a244676ff55e7cccac1ecac0e18cbf6cb00Author:runoob<test@runoob.com>Date:FriMay315:35:322019+0800 我们可以用 --oneline 选项来查看历史记录的简洁的版本。 $ git log--oneline $ git log--oneline d5e9fc2(HEAD->master)Mergebranch'change_site'c68142b修改代码7774248(change_site)changed ...
git show (displays information about the given commit) git add (add files from the working directory to the staging index) git rm --cached (remove a file from the Staging index) git commit (take files from the staging index and save them in the repository) git commit -m git commit --...
Click to choose the amount of information you want to see in the History view. You can also select the Show Commit Timestamp option if you want MPS to show the commit timestamp instead of the time when a change was authored. Also, select the type of info you want to see: Show Detail...
二、 commit-message 规范 1) header说明 2) body说明 3) footer说明 三、FAQ 1)推送(git push)故障: 2)拉取(git merge/pull)故障: 版本管理 一、Git Flow工作流 1) 常用分支 1. Production 分支 用于官方正式发布的分支:master分支,最近发布到生产环境的代码。 最近发布的Release,在Master分支上的Commit应...
程序员写完代码,往往迫不及待地敲下:git commit,然后发现提交中少了一个文件,或者提交了多余的文件,或者发现提交中包含错误无法编译,或者提交说明中出现了错别字。 Git 提供了一个修改当前提交的快捷命令:git commit --amend,相信很多人都用过,不再赘述。
step2:执行下面的命令会添加change_id git commit --amend step3:然后推送代码到服务器上 git push origin HEAD:refs/for/$branch_name 上面这个情况主要针对本地刚下载的仓库,第一次提交会出现这个情况,只需要执行一次,以后再该仓库提交就不用执行了,说白了就是这个commit-msg是局部的,只对当前仓库生效。
Unselected changes will stay in the current changelist, so that you can commit them separately. Commit selected changes from the editor If you have already committed your changes and then realized you have forgotten something, you can quickly commit any updates right from the editor. When ...