gitshow-branch--more=4 #查看四次提交记录,将这四次提交的合并为一个提交,提交信息整合一下,改成"four commit"git rebase-i master~//git rebase-i HEAD~4显示内容如下: pick92ae9c4secondcommitpick0985eec thirdcommit。 挑选这个作为后面commits合并的commit,后面的commit都改pick为s pick5bd480c fourcomm...
git-show-branch - Show branches and their commits SYNOPSIS git show-branch[-a|--all] [-r|--remotes] [--topo-order | --date-order] [--current] [--color[=<when>] | --no-color] [--sparse] [--more=<n> | --list | --independent | --merge-base] [--no-name | --sha1-na...
It cannot show more than 26 branches and commits at a time. 如果命令行中没有给出 <rev> 或 <通配符>,它会使用showbranch.default多值配置项。 选项 <rev> 任意扩展的 SHA-1 表达式(参见gitrevisions[7]),通常用于命名分支头或标签。 <通配符> ...
$ git checkout branchName # 新建一个分支,并且切换过去,相当于"git branch <名字>; git checkout <名字>"$ git checkout-b newBranch 远程同步 远程同步的远端分支 # 下载远程仓库的所有变动 $ git fetch [remote] # 显示所有远程仓库 $ git remote-v # 显示某个远程仓库的信息 $ git remote show [...
but this produces nothing for me and I suppose that this (and some other similar command, I thinkgit log B ^A, which does actually output some differences, but somehow did not show all the different commits) only applies for the case of B being the remote tracking branch of A. ...
git merge newBranch git push origin master --force 其他人重新同步master分支,然后用cherry-pick的方式,把本地没有push 的 commits,一个个同步到master分支。然后 push 就可以了 23. push 被拒绝 ![rejected]dev->dev(non-fast-forward)error:failed to push some refs to'
c68142b修改代码d5e9fc2(HEAD->master)Mergebranch'change_site' 如果只想查找指定用户的提交日志可以使用命令:git log --author , 例如,比方说我们要找 Git 源码中 Linus 提交的部分: $ git log--author=Linus--oneline-581b50f3Move'builtin-*'intoa'builtin/'subdirectory3bb7256make"index-pack"a built...
Say there is amasterbranch, create a newdevbranch. To list the commits which are indevbut not inmaster: git log --name-status release..test Show the commits that are in the "test" branch but not yet in the "release" branch, along with the list of paths each commit modifies....
$ git --version; git branch // separated by semi-colon 2.git别名命令 命令别名能提高可重用性。将gitremote -v(用于检查远程源的命令)别名为show-origin:$ git config --global 'remote -v'$ git show-origin 将git log --graph--pretty=oneline (打印提交日志的命令)别名为...
[12:55:32]$gitstatusOnbranchmasterYourbranchisaheadof'origin/master'by1commit.(use"git push"topublishyourlocalcommits)Changestobecommitted:(use"git reset HEAD <file>..."tounstage)deleted:file1.txt#pzqu@pzqu-pcin~/Documents/code/test/git_test on git:master x [12:55:40] C:...