If this file doesn't exist, you need to create it and fill it out as followed: (fill in the name and email part and save) Seehttps://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setupfor more info. Sign up for freeto subscribe to this conversation on GitHub. Already have...
git config user.email "邮箱" //修改本目录下仓库的用户名 git config user.name "用户名" 二、开始修改全局仓库的用户名和邮箱 //查看全局仓库下用户名和邮箱 git config --global user.email git config --global user.name //修改全局仓库下用户名和邮箱 git config --global user.email “邮箱” git ...
$ git config --list user.name=John Doe user.email=johndoe@example.com color.status=auto color.branch=auto color.interactive=auto color.diff=auto 可能会看到某些键出现了多次,因为 Git 从不同的文件中读取相同的键(比如 [path]/etc/gitconfig 和~/.gitconfig)。在这种情况下,Git 使用它看到的每个唯...
branch.autoSetupMerge Tells git branch, git switch and git checkout to set up new branches so that git-pull[1] will appropriately merge from the starting point branch. Note that even if this option is not set, this behavior can be chosen per-branch using the --track and --no-track ...
Account Setup and Configuration The first thing you need to do is set up a free user account. Simply visithttps://github.com, choose a user name that isn’t already taken, provide an email address and a password, and click the big green “Sign up for GitHub” button. ...
g2 helps setup git: sshkeys, username, email and tools. g2 provides two letter acronyms for most commands. g2 eases the merge process by introducing three new verbs:sync, abort and continue. g2 provides a reduced set of commands which give guidance on what to do next. g2 enhances comm...
Git config file setup To set up your Git config file, open a command line for the distribution you're working in and set your name with this command (replacing "Your Name" with your preferred username): Bash git config --global user.name"Your Name" ...
author_email[email@protected]:email@protectedgithub_username[susieexample]:asweigart project_version[0.1.0]:project_short_description[Abasic Python project.]:APython module to represent the galleon,sickle,and knut coinsofwizard currency. 如果你得到一个错误,你也可以运行python -m cookiecutter而不是cookie...
Overview The goal of this page is to document how the package group uses the GitLab QA framework (video walkthrough) to implement and run end-to-end tests. It also provides instructions on how to use HackyStack for demo purposes. Supporting slides for th
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