When you set your upstream (or tracking) branches, you can simply execute pulls and pushes without having to specify the target branch. Git automatically knows that it has to fetch the new commits to the remote-tracking branch. Similarly, Git already knows that it has to push new commits to...
or // on master branchgit push--set-upstream origin master In this way, we'll set a upstream branch for current local branch and push local commits to that upstream branch. Option 2 Set upstream branch without pushing // on master branchgit branch-u origin/master or // on master branch...
simple方式:如果当前分支只有一个追踪分支,那么git push origin到主机时,可以省略主机名。 matching方式:如果当前分支与多个主机存在追踪关系,那么git push --set-upstream origin master(省略形式为:git push -u origin master)将本地的master分支推送到origin主机(--set-upstream选项会指定一个默认主机),同时指定该...
# git config branch.master.remote origin # git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master and push # git push origin master 四。命令的最终修改都是针对config文件。 使用--set-upstream去跟踪远程分支。 config在命令执行之前: [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logall...
Git新建本地分支与远程分支关联问题:gitbranch --set-upstream git在本地新建分支, push到remote服务器上之后,再次pull下来的时候,如果不做处理会报以下提示: 1. You asked me to pull without telling me which branch you ...
fatal: The current branch znn has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin znn 解决方案: (1)直接 git push origin znn 推向制定的分支,最强暴的方法。 (2)正如上面所说关联远程分支。
2.2.5 将本地分支push到远程仓库 git push 可能会出现如下错误: fatal:Thecurrent branch master has no upstream branch.Topush the current branch andsetthe remoteasupstream,use git push--set-upstream origin master 继续执行提示的代码: git push --set-upstream origin master ...
在Why do I need to do `--set-upstream` all the time?中找到了解决方法:
解决方法:首先确认远程分支是否存在,可以使用 `git branch -r` 命令查看远程分支列表,如果没有远程分支,可以使用 `git fetch` 命令将远程分支拉取到本地。然后使用 `git branch –set-upstream-to=origin/` 命令将当前分支与远程分支进行关联。完成后即可正常提交。
git push ``` 这个命令将会将本地分支的更改推送到远程仓库中对应的分支,这是因为我们之前使用了 `git push --set-upstream` 命令设置了远程跟踪分支。 通过以上三个步骤,我们成功地实现了使用 `git push --set-upstream` 命令为新分支设置远程追踪分支,并推送本地分支到远程仓库。