git remote add <shortname> <url>//<shortname> 是给远程 Git 仓库指定的一个简短的别名,方便在以后的 Git 命令中使用,比如通常用 "origin" 来作为默认的远程仓库的别名。//<url> 是远程 Git 仓库的 URL 地址,可以是 HTTPS 或 SSH 协议的地址。git remote add gitlab
To* [new branch] master ->master Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.//由于远程库是空的,我们第一次推送master分支时,加上了-u参数,Git不但会把本地的master分支内容推送的远程新的master分支,还会把本地的master分支和远程的master分...
# 推送本地 test 分支到 remote origin 对应的远程仓库的 master 分支 git push origin test:master # 上面同理,推送到远程默认分支 git push origin test # 缩写,同理,用默认分支 git push origin git push # 相当于 git push origin master 加上 git branch --set-upstream master origin/master # 推送...
直接clone 在github上创建一个新的项目之后,比如叫learn-git,那么可以直接clone下来,注意创建的时候不要选择Initializethisrepositorywitha README,我们要的是一个空的仓库 git clone 这样在本地就直接创建了一个空的文件夹learn-git,当然里面有.git文件夹。也可以使用...
remote:远程主仓库 repository:本地仓库 index:Git追踪库,暂存区 workspace:本地工作区, 查看git信息 # 查看用户名 git config --global # 查看邮箱 git config --global # 修改全局用户名 git config --global '李幸娟' ...
remote: error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match remote: error: the work tree to HEAD. remote: error: remote: error: You can set 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to remote: error: 'ignore' or 'warn' in the remote repository to allow ...
In theClone Repositorydialog, specify the URL of the remote repository you want to clone or select one of the VCS hosting services on the left. If you are already logged in to the selected hosting service, completion will suggest the list of available repositories that you can clone. ...
GitHub (at a popular site for hosting remote Gitrepositories. From the menu at the top right corner of the page, go toSettings, and selectSSH and GPG keys. Follow theGitHub Enterprise instructions to set up SSH: Check if you already have SSH keys ...
Creating a remote repo on GitHubThe following example uses a GitHub host, but you can use any Git host for version control in Visual Studio for Mac.To set up a Git repository, execute the following steps:Create a new Git repo at Set Repo Name, description, and privacy. Do...
#查看远程配置 git remote [-v] #添加远程地址 git remote add origin #删除远程地址 git remote remove origin #上传新分支至远程 git push --set-upstream origin master #将本地分支与远程建立关联 git branch --track --set-upstream-to=origin/test test 演示 artisan@LAPTOP-JF3RBRRJ ...