git config--global i18n.commitencoding utf-8git config--global gui.encoding utf-8git config--global i18n.logoutputencoding utf-8 3. 测试效果 :
you need a Git 2.5 remote repo server though, which will handle the uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant config (and you need that config to be set to true, in order to allow a single commit fetch). And, as illustrated in crgarridos's answer, you need the full SHA1, and you cannot ...
Commit part of a file Sometimes when you make changes that are related to a specific task, you also apply other unrelated code modifications that affect the same file. Including all such changes into one commit may not be a good option, since it would be more difficult to review, rever...
git checkout<deleting_commit>^ --<file_path>#回到删除文件 deleting_commit 之前的状态 以新增一个 commit 的方式还原某一个 commit 的修改 git revert<commit-id> 回到某个 commit 的状态,并删除后面的 commit 和revert 的区别:reset 命令会抹去某个 commit id 之后的所有 commit git reset<commit-id>#默...
16GBRAM supports up to 2,000 users 32GBRAM supports up to 4,000 users 64GBRAM supports up to 8,000 users 128GBRAM supports up to 16,000 users 256GBRAM supports up to 32,000 users 建议服务器上至少有2GB的交换,即使您目前拥有足够的可用RAM。如果可用的内存更改,交换将有助于减少错误发生的机...
(2) 用 git commit 命令,把文件提交到仓库: $ git commit -m "wrote a readme file" //-m后面输入的是本次提交的说明,可以输入任意内容。 [master (root-commit) eaadf4e] wrote a readme file 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) //1 file changed:1个文件被改动(新添加的readme.txt文件);2 inse...
Commit Message Guidelines Writing Documentation Development Setup This document describes how to set up your development environment to build and test AngularJS, and explains the basic mechanics of using git, node, yarn and ...
conflicted replay of a commit to be resolved by the end user has been updated. * After "git clone --recurse-submodules", all submodules are cloned but they are not by default recursed into by other commands. With submodule.stickyRecursiveClone configuration set, submodule.recurse ...
local to git 切换到代码目录下,运行 git init 可以将这个目录变成可管理的仓库,在这个目录下新建了.git目录。 提交修改:将文件添加到暂存区(预提交)git add <filename>,将文件提交(正式提交)到仓库git commit -m "注释"。或者使用git commit -a提交所有修改。
baseCommit TypeScript Copiar baseCommit: string Property Value string behindCount TypeScript Copiar behindCount: number Property Value number changeCounts TypeScript Copiar changeCounts: {[key: number]: number} Property Value {[key: number]: number} ...