Git send-email uses a consistent Message-ID header in your emails so that to recipient mailbox can link together multiple patches that were sent together in this way. You will see this Message-ID header when prompted by git send-email. Git mail patch to multiple recipients (CC or BCC) Si...
Invoke a text editor (see GIT_EDITOR ingit-var[1]) to edit an introductory message for the patch series. When--composeis used, git send-email will use the From, Subject, and In-Reply-To headers specified in the message. If the body of the message (what you type after the headers ...
如果给出--thread,git-format-patch将生成In-Reply-To和References头,使第二封和随后的补丁邮件显示为对第一封邮件的回复;这也会生成一个Message-ID头供参考。 选项 -p --no-stat 生成没有任何差异状态 (diffstats) 的普通补丁。 -U<n> --unified=<n> ...
--batch-size <int> * send max <int> message per connection. --relogin-delay <int> * delay <int> seconds between two successive login. This option can only be used with --batch-size Automating: --identity <str> * Use the sendemail.<id> options. --to-cmd <str> * Email To: ...
git commit -a -m "log_message" (-a是提交所有改动,-m是加入log信息) 本地修改同步至服务器端 : git branch branch_0.1 master 从主分支master创建branch_0.1分支 git branch -m branch_0.1 branch_1.0 将branch_0.1重命名为branch_1.0 git checkout branch_1.0/master 切换到branch_1.0/master分支 ...
Message-ID: (raw) An early preview release Git v2.43.0-rc0 is now available for testing at the usual places. It is comprised of 399 non-merge commits since v2.42.0, contributed by 61 people, 16 of which are new faces [*].
Message-ID: (raw) The latest maintenance release Git v2.33.1 is now available at the usual places. There is nothing spectacular; just backporting accumulated fixes that already are merged for the next feature release. The tarballs are found at: ...
使第一封邮件(或所有邮件--no-thread)显示为对给定 Message-Id 的回复,从而避免中断线程以提供新的补丁系列。根据设置,第二封和随后的电子邮件将作为回复发送--[no-]chain-reply-to。 因此,例如,当--thread与--no-chain-reply-to被指定,第二和后续的补丁将是回复到第一个像在下面,其中插图[PATCH v2 0/3...
my $message_id_template = "<%s-git-send-email-%s>"; $message_id = sprintf($message_id_template, $uniq, $du_part); #print "new message id = $message_id\n"; # Was useful for debugging }$time = time - scalar $#files;sub
my $message_id_template = "<%s-git-send-email-%s>"; $message_id = sprintf($message_id_template, $uniq, $du_part); #print "new message id = $message_id\n"; # Was useful for debugging }$time = time - scalar $#files;sub