Untracked: 未跟踪, 此文件在文件夹中, 但并没有加入到git库, 不参与版本控制. 通过git add状态变为Staged. Unmodify: 文件已经入库, 未修改, 即版本库中的文件快照内容与文件夹中完全一致. 这种类型的文件有两种去处, 如果它被修改, 而变为Modified. 如果使用git rm移出版本库, 则成为Untracked文件 Modified:...
git解决error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout(转) 2019-12-09 19:32 −在IDEA中进行分支切换时,出现如此错误,导致无法正常切换:error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout 通过错误提示可知,是由于一些untracked working tr...
reverting local changes, allowing you to re-apply them later on. As you'd expect, by defaultgit stashignores ignored files and only stashes changes to files that are tracked by Git. However, you can invokegit stash with the --all optionto stash changes to ignored and untracked files as ...
See 'git --help'. The most similar command is status (base) ➜ test02 (develop) ✗ git status On branch develop Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) .a.ifno.swp nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git...
Feature description By default it always "Show untracked files" when we open the commit window. Looks like even if you uncheck the option, next time when you open the window, the option is enabled automatically. Can we have the capabilit...
Untracked files: 这个是该目录下其他你没有add的file 但其实状态不只两种,详细的见以下博客: http://phplaber.iteye.com/blog/1699926 http://blog.csdn.net/xiao_xuwen/article/details/53420722 四种状态和索引 https://git-scm.com/book/zh/v2/Git-基础-记录每次更新到仓库 ...
Untracked filesare everything else – any files in your working directory that werenot in your last snapshotand are not in your staging area. 未被跟踪过的文件,即不在上一个快照中的文件。 比如新建的文件啊,被移出快照的文件等等。 二、Git设置 ...
Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) README nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) You can see that your newREADMEfile is untracked, because it’s under the “Untracked files” heading in your status ...
At this point, Git is aware that you created a new file, and you'll see something like this: $ git status On branch main Initial commit Untracked files: (use"git add <file>..."to includeinwhat will be committed) locations.txt
Print the path where the Info files documenting this version of Git are installed and exit. -p --paginate Pipe all output intoless(or if set, $PAGER) if standard output is a terminal. This overrides thepager.<cmd>configuration options (see the "Configuration Mechanism" section below). ...