在这个列表中分支名字前没有 * 号的分支通常可以使用 git branch -d 删除掉;你已经将它们的工作整合到了另一个分支,所以并不会失去任何东西。 查看所有包含未合并工作的分支,可以运行 git branch --no-merged: $ git branch --no-merged testing 这里显示了其他分支。 因为它包含了还未合并的工作,尝试使用 g...
gitflow工作流除了单一的master branch外,这个工作流使用两个分支来记录项目的历史(history of project). master分支保存着official release history,而develop分支则作为各feature分支的集成分支(integration branch)。在master branch上面经常打一个tag也是很必要的。 The rest of this workflow revolves around the distin...
1. git fetch;2.git merge origin/feature 我们就非常普遍地碰到下面的障碍:在我们的最近一次同步(使用git pull)和我们需要发布local history(要使用git push)的这个时刻,另外一个同事已经分享了他们的工作到中央库上面,所以remote branch(比如说origin/feature分支上) 是比我们的本地拷贝要更新一些。 这样,git pus...
if you created thesidebarbranch, added commits to it, and then tried to delete it with thegit branch -d sidebar, Git wouldn't let you delete the branch, because you can't delete a branch that you are currently on. if you switched to themasterbranch and tried to delete the sidebar bra...
See git-pull[1] and git-config[1] for additional discussion on how the branch.<name>.remote and branch.<name>.merge options are used. --no-track Do not set up "upstream" configuration, even if the branch.autoSetupMerge configuration variable is set. --recurse-submodules THIS OPTION ...
git push origin HEAD:my_new_test_branchTopush to the branch of the same name on the remote,use git push origin testTochoose either option permanently,see push.defaultin'git help config'. 当执行git push origin test时,会在远程重新创建一个新的分支,名称就是test,然后把修改同步到test分支。
Annotated file historyYou can also view historical changes within a file (annotate).Branch historyYou can see the history of a branch in your web browser. For example, Raisa published the hotfix branch so that Jamal can test her changes. Jamal views the history of this branch on the commits...
rename branch Step 1. 本地分支重命名(还没有推送到远程) git branch -m oldName newName Step 2. 远程分支重命名 (已经推送远程-假设本地分支和远程对应分支名称相同) # a. 重命名远程分支对应的本地分支 git branch -m oldName newName # b. 删除远程分支 git push --delete origin oldName # c....
There is another history-rewriting option that you can use if you need to rewrite a larger number of commits in some scriptable way — for instance, changing your email address globally or removing a file from every commit. The command isfilter-branch, and it can rewrite huge swaths of...
git branch -vv 关联远程分支 关联之后,git branch -vv 就可以显示关联的远程分支名了,同时 Push 到远程仓库直接:git push,不需要指定远程仓库了。 git branch -u origin/mybranch 或者在 push 时加上 -u 参数 git push origin/mybranch -u 举出所有远程分支 ...