Reverting a merge that has no associated commit The git merge command doesn’t always create a new commit. A commit is created only if the main branch has diverged from the feature branch. Because git revert requires a commit to operate one, we can’t use it in this case. The main and...
Reverting a Merge: 当merge 以后还有别的操作和改动时,或者你的协作者在你merge之后又做了一些提交的时候,git 正好也有办法能撤销 merge。你可以使用revert命令。方法如下: $ git resert -m [要撤销的那条merge线的编号] [merge前的版本号,即sha值] Finished one revert. [master 88edd6d] Revert"Merge bra...
1fileschanged,0insertions(+),2deletions(-) 1. 2. 3. 4. 这样会创建新的 commit 来抵消对应的 merge 操作,如果你尝试再次合并,Git会看到该分支上的提交是在历史记录中,并假设你错误地尝试合并你已经有的东西。 $gitmergejk/post-checkout Alreadyup-to-date. 1. 2. Reverting the Revert $gitrevert[方...
Reverting a merge commit declares that you will never want the tree changes brought in by the merge. As a result, later merges will only bring in tree changes introduced by commits that are not ancestors of the previously reverted merge. This may or may not be what you want. 合并产生的提...
Reverting a merge commit declares that you will never want the tree changes brought in by the merge. As a result, later merges will only bring in tree changes introduced by commits that are not ancestors of the previously reverted merge. This may or may not be what you want. ...
Reverting a merge commit declares that you will never want the tree changes brought in by the merge. As a result, later merges will only bring in tree changes introduced by commits that are not ancestors of the previously reverted merge. This may or may not be what you want. ...
Reverting a Merge: 当merge 以后还有别的操作和改动时,或者你的协作者在你merge之后又做了一些提交的时候,git 正好也有办法能撤销 merge。你可以使用revert命令。方法如下: $ git resert-m[要撤销的那条merge线的编号][merge前的版本号,即sha值]Finishedone revert.[master88edd6d]Revert"Merge branch 'jk/pos...
issues might arise when you are reverting changes in your git repository. Here is a look at some of the common issues that might arise and how you can troubleshoot them Merge Conflicts: Commit not found: Reverting a Merge Commit File not found ...
Reverting a merge commit declares that you will never want the tree changes brought in by the merge. As a result, later merges will only bring in tree changes introduced by commits that are not ancestors of the previously reverted merge. This may or may not be what you want.合并产⽣的...