在Git中,如果你在一个项目中执行了`git pull`命令,该命令将会从远程仓库拉取最新的代码更新到本地仓库。如果你想撤销这个操作,还原到之前的状态,你有几个选项。 1. 使用git reset命令: 通过使用`git reset`命令,可以将本地分支的当前指针移动到之前的提交,从而撤销`git pull`所带来的更改。有几种方式可以使用...
ORIG_HEADis not guaranteed to still point to the previous branch tip at the end of the rebase if other commands that write that pseudo-ref (e.g.git reset) are used during the rebase. The previous branch tip, however, is accessible using the reflog of the current branch (i.e.@{1},...
git-request-pull[1] Generates a summary of pending changes git-send-email[1] Send a collection of patches as emails git-svn[1] Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git Reset, restore and revert There are three commands with similar names:git reset,git restoreandgit revert...
revertis the command we use when we want to take a previouscommitand add it as a newcommit, keeping thelogintact. Step 1: Find the previouscommit: Step 2: Use it to make a newcommit: Let's make a newcommit, where we have "accidentally" deleted a file: ...
1)revert:反转提交,它就是把你的一个提交先撤消掉,但是,它跟reset不同的是,你的这次这小会留下记录,这样在你下次需要的时候,可以通过这个节点把撤消的提交恢复 zhangshuli@zhangshuli-MS-7817:~/PROJECT/PROJECT_V5/32_kk_qhd_k25/packages/apps/Mms$ git pull ...
a new commit which will open up the configured system editor prompting for a new commit message. Once a commit message has been entered and saved Git will resume operation. We can now examine the state of the repo usinggitlogand see that there is a new commit added to the previous log:...
To choose either option permanently, see push.default in 'git help config'. 当执行git push origin test时,会在远程重新创建一个新的分支,名称就是test,然后把修改同步到test分支。 git pull git pull命令用于从另一个存储库或本地分支获取并集成(整合)。git pull命令的作用是:取回远程主机某个分支的更新...
不理会冲突$ git push --force# 将远程仓库的代码下载到本地# 此操作并不会改变本地仓库# 而是,会在本地有一个远程仓库的分支,如origin/master$ git fetch [远程仓库]# 将远程仓库拉取到本地,并合并到本地操作# 其本质是 fetch 后将,本地分支与远程分支merge$ git pull [远程仓库] [分支]# 删除远程...
2)拉取(git merge/pull)故障: 版本管理 一、Git Flow工作流 1) 常用分支 1. Production 分支 用于官方正式发布的分支:master分支,最近发布到生产环境的代码。 最近发布的Release,在Master分支上的Commit应该打上Tag。 只能从其他分支合并,不能在这个分支直接修改 2. Develop 分支 用于功能开发的主分支:dev 主开...
git pull git log git tag 接下来,将通过对 我的博客 仓库进行实例操作,讲解如何使用Git拉取代码到提交代码的整个流程。 git clone “从git服务器拉取代码 代码语言:javascript 复制 git clone https://github.com/gafish/gafish.github.com.git 代码下载完成后在当前文件夹中会有一个gafish.github.com的目录...