git revert 撤销某次操作,此次操作之前和之后的commit和history都会保留,并且把这次撤销作为一次最新的提交 撤销commits bash 复制代码 git revert -n'commit id' 撤销某次merge 保留本分支内容,撤销'commit id'对应的内容 bash 复制代码 git revert -m 1'commit id'...
git revert --no-commit B git commit -m" Revert D C B" 使用revert 需要注意,如果即将 revert 的 commit 是一个 merge commit,那么会出现错误 使用reset 方式,创建回滚的 commit 如果需要保留回滚记录,但是需要 revert 的 commit 是 merge commit,那就必须手动指定mainline,比较麻烦,可以用 reset 的方式创建...
Steps to revert multiple commits Identify the commits: You can easily identify the commits that you need to revert by using the git log command like so git log --oneline The command provides a list of commits from which you can choose which one you want to revert Revert the commits individ...
git-revert - Revert some existing commits SYNOPSIS git revert[--[no-]edit] [-n] [-m <parent-number>] [-s] [-S[<keyid>]] <commit>…git revert(--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit) DESCRIPTION Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patche...
Git revert multiple commits git log--pretty=oneline |grep'feature_name'|cut-d' '-f1| xargs-n1git revert--no-edit and wallah, I was able to revert all the commits of that feature and found that the bug was not introduced by my commits :) ...
这样最大的好处是能清楚看到每次merge到master分支的界限在哪里,万一出问题了,可以把整个merge都revert掉。最后的graph上大体是每次分出来一个branch然后马上合回来的形状,也没有比一条单链差很多。另外,merge的commit自己可以有message,如果发生了conflict也可以记录下来。 当然如果这次合并的branch一共只有一个commit那么...
You may find this helpful after reverting a topic branch merge, as this option recreates the topic branch with fresh commits so it can be remerged successfully without needing to "revert the reversion" (see therevert-a-faulty-merge How-Tofor details). ...
Merge Fork Reset, Rebase & Revert git revert git rebase 场景1:本地有多个commit,想合并成一个commit。 场景2:整合分支 场景3:将某一段commit粘贴到另一个分支上 场景4: 同步远程分支 修改分支名称 恢复分支(远程) Tools gh-md-toc Installation Example Debug divergent branches and reconcile known host pr...
{"types":["feat","fix","docs","style","refactor","perf","test","build","ci","chore","revert"],"scope":{"required":false,"allowed":["*"],"validate":false,"multiple":false},"warnOnFail":false,"maxSubjectLength":100,"subjectPattern":".+","subjectPatternErrorMsg":"subject does...
Got multiple commits, I want to revert the commits back to 'dc1d935'(Keep 'dc1d935', revert other later commits): // On master branch$ git log--oneline-8b41e6bd(HEAD->master)Commit fifth line90b77e8 Commit fourth line3839548Commit third line ...