We want to revert to the previouscommit:52418f7 (HEAD -> master) Just a regular update, definitely no accidents here..., and we see that it is the latestcommit. Git Revert HEAD We revert the latestcommitusing gitrevert HEAD(revertthe latest change, and thencommit), adding the option--...
git revert[--[no-]edit] [-n] [-m <parent-number>] [-s] [-S[<keyid>]] <commit>…git revert(--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit) DESCRIPTION Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that reco...
合并的 commit 一般有 2 个父节点,按 1、2 数字排序,对于要回滚“分支合入主干的 commit”,常用"-m 1",即用主干记录作为主线。 回滚合并 commit 是一个较为复杂的话题,作为一般性建议,应避免回滚合并 commit。对该话题感兴趣的可进一步了解:https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/Documentation/howto/rev...
git revert[--[no-]edit] [-n] [-m <parent-number>] [-s] [-S[<keyid>]] <commit>…git revert(--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit) DESCRIPTION Given one or more existing commits, revert the changes that the related patches introduce, and record some new commits that reco...
$ git revert HEAD[main b9cd081]Revert "prependcontentto demo file"1file changed,1deletion(-) Git revertexpects a commit ref was passed in and will not execute without one. Here we have passed in theHEADref. This will revert the latest commit. This is the same behavior as if we revert...
重置索引项并更新工作树中<commit>和head之间不同的文件。如果<commit>和head之间不同的文件发生了本地更改,重置将中止。 If you want to undo a commit other than the latest on a branch,is your friend. 如果你不想取消当前分支的最近的commit,请看一下git revert。这下边会讲。
, thegit revertfunction produces an “equal but opposite” commit, effectively neutralizing the impact of a specific commit or group of commits. This approach to reversing mistakes is often safer and more efficient than using Git reset, which might remove or orphan commits in the commit history....
git revert git reflog git rebase 配置git alias git log git 二分法排错 git 工作流和提交规范 1 git cherry-pick git cherry-pick可以理解为”挑拣”提交,它会获取某一个分支的单笔提交,并作为一个新的提交引入到你当前分支上。当我们需要在本地合入其他分支的提交时,如果我们不想对整个分支进行合并,而是只...
revert 是放弃指定提交的修改,但是会生成一次新的提交,需要填写提交注释,以前的历史记录都在; git revert是用于“反做”某一个版本,以达到撤销该版本的修改的目的。比如,我们commit了三个版本(版本一、版本二、 版本三),突然发现版本二不行(如:有bug),想要撤销版本二,但又不想影响撤销版本三的提交,就可以用 gi...
gitlab 提交 revert git提交到gitlab GitLab是一款使用MIT许可证的基于网络的Git仓库管理工具,我们可以使用它来搭建自己的Git仓库,本文将介绍如何使用Gitlab在Linux下快速搭建Git仓库。 Gitlab服务端搭建 在Linux(CenterOS7.6)下我们会以Docker的方式来安装Gitlab,对Docker不了解的朋友可以参考:开发者必备Docker命令。